Pneumonia Jab

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Has any member in late middle age had this vaccination? Was talked into it and had it this afternoon. Now, after sleeting over four hours feel feverish, very tired and headachey. Anybody had these symptoms?
I don’t think I had any reaction, I had mine a few years ago, along with my annual flu jab, but I never react to flu jabs either.
Had mine some years ago at the same time as my flu jab, with no after effects. When I was offered it I rather foolishly asked the nurse if my immune system would cope with having them together. She looked at me over her glasses and said "Martin, we give triple jabs to babies".
Has any member in late middle age had this vaccination? Was talked into it and had it this afternoon. Now, after sleeting over four hours feel feverish, very tired and headachey. Anybody had these symptoms?
I received the vaccination a couple of years,ago with my flu jab and cannot remember any reaction.
I had mine a few years back, had no side effects from it. Also had flu jabs without any abnormal consequences. When my mum had her pneumonia jab, she felt unwell for about a week.
I had my pneumonia vaccine 6 months after diagnosis with diabetes and my first flu jab at the same time. They like us to be well protected 🙄 so quite surprising you hadn't been offered it before Mikey. Hope you feel better soon. The pneumonia jab is a one off I believe rather than the flu which is annual. I don't remember having any reaction to it myself. I had a bit of a reaction to my first Covid jab, but I think that is the only time I have felt unwell afterwards. Bit of a sore arm for a day or two of course but you expect that.
Has any member in late middle age had this vaccination? Was talked into it and had it this afternoon. Now, after sleeting over four hours feel feverish, very tired and headachey. Anybody had these symptoms?

I had it and had a very painful arm (worse than Covid arm), a headache and generally feeling a bit rough. However, these effects went away in a day or two, so I hope you too feel better soon @MikeyBikey
I have one every five years as I don’t have a spleen, can’t remember having any problems.
Like @rebrascora I had the pneumonia jab at the same time as my first flu jab post diagnosis.
I had headache and aching but nothing severe
I have heard of others who experienced similar. For some reason, they decided it was caused by the flu jab and refused all future flu jabs.
Was given jab long time ago with flu jab, no side effects that I recall, guess next on list will be shingles jab when offered it.
Was given jab long time ago with flu jab, no side effects that I recall, guess next on list will be shingles jab when offered it.
I was just looking up eligibility for shingles jab. It’s bizarre. Apparently from Sept 23, they are now offering it to people as and when they turn 65. But if you’re already over 65, as I am, you don’t get offered it til you’re 70.
I was just looking up eligibility for shingles jab. It’s bizarre. Apparently from Sept 23, they are now offering it to people as and when they turn 65. But if you’re already over 65, as I am, you don’t get offered it til you’re 70.
I guess they cannot cope with (or afford?) everyone over the age of 65 suddenly turning up for their shingles vaccination so they are phasing it out:
"healthy people aged 60 to 70 years will become eligible for the vaccine over the next 5 years, when they turn 65 or 70 years"
Has any member in late middle age had this vaccination? Was talked into it and had it this afternoon. Now, after sleeting over four hours feel feverish, very tired and headachey. Anybody had these symptoms?
Hi @MikeyBikey and thanks for the post. I went to see the GP nurse today for first 6-month check up. All fine but then she gave me the pneumonia vaccine. About 3pm my BG levels rose for no normal reason but played a game of squash late afternoon. Needless to say, my levels spiked, I got the chills and now I’m horizontal in bed. I was going to ask if side effects are normal but it appears they are 🙂 . I’m sure all will be fine and my levels are now back down. You live and learn!
@The_Bowlii Sorry your body didn’t like the pneumonia jab. Thankfully, it seems to be a one off rather than and annual one like flu. However, like flu (and covid), we all react differently to the jabs whether we have diabetes or not. Diabetes just adds the extra fun of potentially higher (or lower for me in the case of covid) BG to keep an eye on.
Personally, I would rather risk a day or two reacting to a jab than full blown flu, pneumonia or covid. After 20 years, I just keep a closer eye on my BG when I get a jab and react accordingly. This is so much easier with a cgm than in the olden days when I just had finger pricks. At least tha was better than what came before.

(Apologies for the italics, can’t seem to turn them off … at least they don’t affect BG 😎 )
@The_Bowlii Sorry your body didn’t like the pneumonia jab. Thankfully, it seems to be a one off rather than and annual one like flu. However, like flu (and covid), we all react differently to the jabs whether we have diabetes or not. Diabetes just adds the extra fun of potentially higher (or lower for me in the case of covid) BG to keep an eye on.
Personally, I would rather risk a day or two reacting to a jab than full blown flu, pneumonia or covid. After 20 years, I just keep a closer eye on my BG when I get a jab and react accordingly. This is so much easier with a cgm than in the olden days when I just had finger pricks. At least tha was better than what came before.

(Apologies for the italics, can’t seem to turn them off … at least they don’t affect BG 😎 )
Thanks @helli. Feel better already- the shivering has stopped and I’ve had a light meal so hopefully back to normal tomorrow. Best wishes for the New Year.
Thanks @helli. Feel better already- the shivering has stopped and I’ve had a light meal so hopefully back to normal tomorrow. Best wishes for the New Year.

Thanks @helli. Feel better already- the shivering has stopped and I’ve had a light meal so hopefully back to normal tomorrow. Best wishes for the New Year.

I felt out of sorts for 3 - 4 days after mine. The problem is I am still not 100% but since then I have had a change in pain medication that seems to make me more tired and swab on my foot which has been clear for months came back positive last week!
I felt out of sorts for 3 - 4 days after mine. The problem is I am still not 100% but since then I have had a change in pain medication that seems to make me more tired and swab on my foot which has been clear for months came back positive last week!
Sorry to hear that. My arm is still painful and I feel a bit queasy but otherwise ok. Assuming you seem to like bikes, I was trying to complete the Rapha Festive 500 but that’s not going to happen now. :(
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