Please join and support "I am OUTRAGED at the Change4life campaign"

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I saw this advert yesterday evening and had a rant about it to my partner no wonder why everyone is so clueless about type 1. Also have joined the group on facebook thank you.
yea, really annoys me about peoples ignorance re diabetes (although i was the same before diagnosis!)

Have started new job last week and informed all colleagues individually that I am diabetic, "oh" is thier only replies. I dont think its right to bombard people with infor if they are not interested but am willing to discuss when anyone shows an interest, mostly I find people are not really interested at all.

My new boss just said to me out of the blue yesteray," so what do I have to do if you pass out or something, give you a sugar lump" ( i thought Im not a bloody horse, lol), I replied that I would be happy to tell her about my high and low symptoms, what to do and about diabetes if she wanted, reply was, "no just wanted to know when to give you a sugar lump", I told her, thanks for asking but really no need to give me anything if I cant give it myself. And left it there.

does not help the cause with ads like these though. Unfortunately we have a very long way to go.😡
signed up and done the petitions etc! it seems unless they have diabetes they dont have a clue!! its the same in local press. i once had someone ask me if i had ate too many greggs the bakers to get diabetes!! 😡😡😡
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