please help..:(

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Iv not posted for quite a while now, i guess i wanted it to go away. i was diagnosed in december 2009 with type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and now i have been told i have retinopathy which my nurse says i will probably have had diabtes a lot longer than i have been diagnosed. I feel angry and let down by my doctors.. time after time i visited them saying i was worried, up all night gaining a ridiculous amount of weight but everytime they just sent me away saying it was my age.

Finally they have found a reason. I am on 2x500mg of metformin, 80mg of gliclizade, 40mg simvastatin and now 20mg omeprazole.

In the past 6 months i have gained a total of 2st 4lb, ive cut down on a lot of bad food that i shouldnt eat and tried my best to exercise and be more active.
To cut a long story short ha i feel down, depressed and angry not only at myself but everyone else. I put my family and friends through hell by being mardy, agitated and hard work. I spoke to my gp about how down i feel, that i cant sleep, either have no appetite or constantly want to comfort eat, endlessly feel like crying for no apparent reason. My GP says i am to young to be 'depressed' and i will grow out of it. I feel like a joke and could really do with someone to talk to xx
My GP says i am to young to be 'depressed' and i will grow out of it. I feel like a joke and could really do with someone to talk to xx

Just try your best to look on the birght side, you now know whats wrong and can work on it, i know its hard but if you think better you will feel better.

Is this the same GP who was telling you it was just your age when it was diabetes?
Becuase if so id move doctors.
Hope you feel better.

How can you be too young to be depressed? that is ridiculous. Can you see another doctor at the practice? It sound's like you need help coming to terms with the diagnosis have you considered asking for counselling? Coming here and talking definately helps me when I feel down about it there's always someone around to offer advice and a friendly ear to listen. I hope that you can get the help you need from your GP x
Hi Nickiebob, sorry to hear that you are feeling so down, and that you appear to be getting precious little support from your doctor. I'm with Emma, if you are not happy with your current doctor's repsonse, you should look into changing. Your health - and that includes your mental well-being - is of the utmost importance, and support in improving yor situation and managing your diabetes is crucial.

Have you been referred to a dietician at all, to help you with your weight and eating issues? If not, do ask your doctor for this. It's no wonder you are feeling so angry and depressed if all you are being told is that you are either too old for this or too young for that!

Come here anytime and let us know how things are, you are not alone in this 🙂 You could also ask if there is a local group in your area for people with diabetes, so that you can get some more personal contact with others who undoubtedly share your concerns and difficulties - such contact can be invaluable. Also, ask if there is a diabetes education course you can attend - popular ones are DESMOND and X-Pert for Type 2 diabetes, or there may be some other local equivalent. Again, this will bring you into contact with others and allow you to share your feelings with other, like-minded people.

Please keep posting, and let us know how things go, or if there is any other way we can help! 🙂
Hi Nickie

Firstly I'd lookup the NICE guidelines - or go to to find out what type of care you should be getting - cos I am sure that it's far more than you seem to be getting at the moment. Then if your GP doesn't, or won't give you that care then I would look at changing GP. You should at the very least be getting some follow up appointments for your diabetes - and more importantly any mental health issues arising from that. And in the meantime -come in here for any guidance and support and ask questions you need.
Yeah I can only echo the support above. But really, there are so many Gs out there, and lots of them are good there really isnt a need to have someone so unsupportive managing your clinical care.

I think one of the things I value up there alongside family and friends in life, is a good medical team. This is a long road and you need to get your 'dream team' in order (can you tell Ive just read "Think like a pancreas"?). Get someone good- you deserve every best chance with people who can support you.

I really hope things improve. Also that continue with the forum. I know many people here know exactly where you are coming from.

Big hugs x
Hi Nikie how are you feeling these days hun?

I missed your orginal post as was offline moving x

Hope your in better spirits
Hi Nikie,
am sooo sorry that you are feeling so let down by your doctors response. Anyone can become depressed it has absolutely nothing to do with age (grrrrr makes me so mad)! Are you with a practice that has more than one doctor? If so maybe you could arrange to see a different one!
You have at least been able to express your feelings on here which is a start. We are here to support you. Please try your best to keep going and come here anytime, take care of yourself, love and hugs, shirl
I hate to go on about it but have you considered that it could be the simvastatin, side effects include: sleep disturbance, headache, dizziness, depression.
Your Hba1c is great so stop worrying about that. I presume the retinopathy was hospital diagnosed but was the usual, 'there is some sign but nothing treatable at present' letter. If it was the nurse who took the photo, ignore it.

Can you not talk to boyfriend/parents? There is no substitute for a cuddle (well there is but not for this board).
Hi I'm glad you found us and hope we can help.

If it is any consolation it took me ages to get a dignosis from the doctor and irt was only AFTER a health awareness day at work when I had loads of finger prick tests done that the docotr finally diagnosed me.

I had all the things like it's your age and go away and go on a diet.

We all feel down about it and we all have problems sleeping at some time or another, but things seem to sort themselves out. I hope you are feeling better as you read through the replies.
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