PLEASE HELP ME: Can remission go into relapse and back into remission? Worried my BG are all over the place?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So as mentioned before I've been reckless in recent months binging on carbs and sweets since my dad died. It was doing nothing much to my BG levels but I've slowly noticed from it regularly being below 5 to now things like fasting BG being above 5.5.

This evening I ate: a lot of watermelon, four kfs boneless strips, regular beans, regular popcorn chicken, a bag of those minie creme eggs. I think I must have eaten around 8pm. I just tested my BG it's 9.0 A few months ago it would have been well below 7.0 at most.

Have I completely destroyed my remission efforts and gone into relapse? Or will going back on a good low carb diet send things the right way again? I am desperate to send this into remission so I can at least eat things like watermelon or even chocolate or an ice-cream every now and again and not worry about spikes etc.

Please help me. I don't know why I'm doing this to myself?

Should I maybe go do some exercise on the bike or something right now? Thanks.
I'd probably suggest listening to some music or maybe meditation if that is going to induce a calmer state of mind.
You need to regain composure to return to control and balance. Vigorous exercise is unlikely to assist in regaining restoration of your former control.
Forgive the hippy - speak, I don't know how else to describe what I think is wrong and how to deal with it.
Anyone else got any advice?
Anyone else got any advice?
Getting back on track with the low carb dietary regime will certainly get you back on track, you got things under control before so have a good idea of what you need to do. But make sure you get a plan which you can maintain and you are having meals which you enjoy so they become the normal way of life.
Maybe have a think about seeing someone about grief counselling. My dad died in 2019 and it took me ages to get over it (we did not get on and parted badly; I did not 'say good bye')\. The emotions must be overwhelming for your if you are missing a lost relative or friend (sympathy). I am a newbie but I am worried about you eating sugary watermelon, creme eggs and popcorn chicken which is not going help BG or HbA1C. Do you have supportive people who can help you or support your in this sad time? I think you might need to ask for some emotional support as we know that emotional eating can happen. Sending supportive vibes.
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