Please help..control has been poor for quite a while now and even getting odd heel pain twinges which I have never had before

Upset Racoon

Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My basil is 16..I'm on lantus and Novorapid .

I love eating big quantities of sugary snacks after breakfast but unfortunately 8 times out of 10 it spikes to's even been going to 18 least 15 every day.
It rises at about 3 am every night, typically around 5mmol, does this suggest I should increase the basil by 1?? I'm quite cautious about doing that I guess as dont want the ..risk of a hypo..recently its been normal to be 15 when I wake up at say 7 or 8 or 9...I then correct it with 4 or 5 units ..which brings it down to..9 ish

Also ..when it's high..and I say eat..60 - 70g carbs for late lunch ..( eg 4 to 5 pm) It more times than not, only rises ever so slightly..why? Almost like it copes better there ?..compared to the morning ( I use the ratio 1:8 .....doesn't seem to be working well recently unfortunately...


Really appreciate all your very informative..understanding replies 🙂

Eg this was today. .

Breakfast..sour dough eggs...I love to eat so don't like it when eating is over . So despite feeling full had 6 malted milks ( they were the only ones left in the packet ) and two slices of regular bread with peanut butter and jam
..had 8 units to start..then another 3 and hour and a half later ...didn't really climbed to 18..started at 10.

I think both pics are today...:(


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Does doing what I do encourage type 2 diabetes to develop ? Hope not......worryingly last two days I have felt oddly more thirsty occasionally too! Oh .....
I think you know the answer @Upset Racoon - cut out the crappy foods (or limit them, but it’s probably easier to cut them out). If you’re struggling to do that, see if you can get support from BEAT and/or your GP.

You’re in a vicious circle: all that extra food will make your blood sugar high and high sugar can make you feel hungry, so you eat crappy foods, have high blood sugar which makes you hungry, so….you get it, I’m sure.
You need to get those BGs under control. After well over 50 years of Type 1 I suffered a LBKA (Left Below Knee Amputation). Quite a few Type 2s I meet at Amputee Physiotherapy have had diabetes less than a decade. And the level of Phantom Pain one of us suffer make the odd Twinge pale into insignificance.

Make tomorrow the start of a new life and chick the sugary snacks! I will let the Type 2s here give you more detailed advice.

Sorry to read you are wrestling with disordered eating @Upset Racoon

You can see that you are eating when you feel full, and know you don’t need to. And you can see that you are eating the ‘wrong things’. And you can see that those things are having a negative effect on your diabetes management and glucose levels - and you are quite rightly worried about the possible impact of that.

There are many layers of physical and psychological stuff going on here. Reward and pleasure centres in the brain misfiring, and leading you to make decisions you know are not in your best interest.

I’m glad you have felt able to share what you are going through, and really hope you can begin the long and sometimes difficult process towards recovery.

You can do this!