Please Help....B'sugars can't get down from 16!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Please help, still in a state today.

Decided to split my Levimer last night, 10 units night 10 in morning.

When woke up was 14.9....Not been below this all day.

I decided to start taking my Novorapid again, but it has been out of fridge 28 days...should I use it again? I took 6 Units with dinner. Had 3 potatoes, ham and beans. 2 hors post dinner B'sugars at 16!....Please help, no DSN to talk to untill Tuesday...feeling panicked now, been running on average on 14.5 for days now!!....Keep thinking I will die, sorry, just desperate to get my sugars down....please help advise.

If you are really worried you should call nhs 24 and maybe they can get in contact with someone for you?
I have never had a pen that has been out of the fridge longer than a week but if you only get a 28 day limit to use it, maybe it has just lost its effectiveness? Try using another one 🙂
Ellowyne, 1 unit of novorapid brings Alex down by 5 mmols. If I were you I would give yourself a correction of Novorapid. But the problem is that we dont know how much it brings you down. Does your pen do half a unit?

Levemir, you need more at nightime than you do in the day. So perhaps you could try doing 13 at night and 7 during the day and see how that goes? Alex used to have 7 at night and 3 in the day. Dont worry - drink lots and lots of water and this will help bring levels down. If you do a correction of novorapid - just do 1 unit and then test in an hour to see what you are.🙂Bev x
No other Novorapid to use

Thank you for your reply...I have no other Novorapid to use...DSN only gave me one cartridge!
Thank you Bev...DSN never taight me anything about the units, just told me to take 6 with my evening meal.

Do you think the Novorapid is ok to use...28 days OUT of fridge now.

Sorry to be a panick nusiense!
Thank you for your reply...I have no other Novorapid to use...DSN only gave me one cartridge!

Use it anyway, Alex has used it when it has been older than 28 days and it works fine. If it doesnt work - you havent lost anything.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev, will try one unit and retest in an hour....Oh, I am due to take Levimer in the meantime, will this still be ok to do one unit Novorapid?....sorry!
Thank you Bev...DSN never taight me anything about the units, just told me to take 6 with my evening meal.

Do you think the Novorapid is ok to use...28 days OUT of fridge now.

Sorry to be a panick nusiense!

28 days out of fridge is ok - as long as the insulin is within date. It wont harm you if it is out of date. You are not a nuisance - you are just worried - so stop apologising. I would try 1 unit and test in an hour to see if you are coming down - but dont give yourself another unit until you know if the first one has worked.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev, will try one unit and retest in an hour....Oh, I am due to take Levimer in the meantime, will this still be ok to do one unit Novorapid?....sorry!

Yes - it makes no difference that you are using them together - dont worry.🙂Bev
Yeah I would probably just use it too, I cannot believe that your DSN sent you away with one cartrige without explaining anything to you! That is just shocking to be honest!! A bit irresponsible I think..
Please do phone NHS if you find it isnt working as you can feel really terrible running that high for this long 😱
Thank you so much Bev...Have taken one unit, no half on my pen, will test again at 10.30 and will pop back and let you know result....So maybe more Levimer at nigh then?...ok, will try that...thank you.

Bev, can I die if my bloods stay above 14?....I might have a heart attack?

Sorry, blubbering here, partner is worried now as well, what a bloody mess this all is, feel so out of control and I know panick is making it worse...must try to calm down.
Yeah I would probably just use it too, I cannot believe that your DSN sent you away with one cartrige without explaining anything to you! That is just shocking to be honest!! A bit irresponsible I think..
Please do phone NHS if you find it isnt working as you can feel really terrible running that high for this long 😱

Thank you Lou...I will.
Thank you so much Bev...Have taken one unit, no half on my pen, will test again at 10.30 and will pop back and let you know result....So maybe more Levimer at nigh then?...ok, will try that...thank you.

Bev, can I die if my bloods stay above 14?....I might have a heart attack?

Sorry, blubbering here, partner is worried now as well, what a bloody mess this all is, feel so out of control and I know panick is making it worse...must try to calm down.

Ellowyne, no you wont die if your bloods are over 14. If they stayed high for a long long time like days then you would be in hospital, but not for the time you are talking about - so please stop worrying. You wont have a heart attack either. I promise you. Stop worrying and test at 10.30 and let me know.🙂Bev x
Hi Ellowyne

please try not to panic (easier said than done) stress causes insulin resistance. Do you know any relaxation techniques to calm you ?

Here is a link to the patient information leaflet for novorapid

I suspect you never got one.
Did your nurse ask you to get a prescription for more novorapid ?
The normal advice is that the novorapid is Ok for 4 weeks after that it may not have full effectiveness. I would use it as you have no other source - if it doesn't work then you have not lost anything - and if it does then that's good.

If you are still having problems you could call your Drs out of hours service and see if they will give you a prescription for more novorapid. A drop in centre is another option they are nurse led but if they feel you need to see a Dr they will refer you to one.

I hope you feel better soon - the fact that you are asking for help should prove to you that the other day when you said you wanted to give up - was your mind playing tricks with you. You are actively trying to sort yourself out which to me is a sign that underneath it all you don't want to give up. (Sorry if that sounds a little preachy)
Hi Ellowyne, sorry to hear that you are continuing to have problems. The higher levels will be a big part of the reason you feel so tearful, and the stress it is causing will also be partly responsible for your levels being higher - it is a vicious circle sometimes :(

The novorapid should be fine as long as it hasn't got too warm, which might render it ineffective (but it won't harm you). You've just reminded me that my lantus is generally out of the fridge for longer than 28 days because I use so little of it each day!

Hopefully, the extra unit of novorapid will bring your levels down a bit, but try not to panic if it doesn't. Levels in the mid-teens are obviously not good, but they are not life-threatening unless they remain at that level for a long time. There are probably hundreds of thousands of people walking around with those kinds of levels, but oblivious to the fact because they haven't been diagnosed.

When did the DSN expect you to request more insulin? Very silly to just give you one cartridge - you should always have some spare in your fridge in case anything happens to the one you are using. Is it on your repeat prescription?

Try not to worry unduly, you are still in the very early stages of learning how to use the insulin and these things can take time. Did you experience any of the stomach problems you talked about when you took the novorapid? Let us know how things go please.

Also - remember again that although you were 16 2 hours after your meal, this is only a couple of mmol over what you started from, so it is really not a big rise - it is the starting point that is the problem. I'd say you did a very good job with your meal to be only slightly higher 🙂
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Thank you for all your kind messages.

My DSN only gave me one cartridge to see how I got on with it initially. She did not put it on prescription...My fault, I was supposed to contact her but instead, I just stopped the Novorepid and dug my head in a hole!

As for stomach problems, yes, I do have some discomfort tonight, rumbling and I can feel that my Gall bladder is hard pain, fingers crossed!

I have taken my Levimer, split it to 14 units tonight, and will take 6 in the morning....I hope my DSN will not be too upset that I have done this without talking to her first...oh well, I will try to explain how panicked I have felt. I do try to explain how fearful I feel but she tends to rebuff or ignore what I have said, she says just concentrate on the insulin and getting my sugars down, I guess she is right....would be nice for her to hear how upset I am though.

I will post back soon, re testing at 10.30pm...Thank yu all again, I am sorry I mentioned about dying, these thoughts do seem to consume me of afraid all the time. I will try to calm down, I know it will do me no good to be so panicked.

Speak soon, Ellowyne x
re-tested..BG 14

Ok...10.30 I re-tested, my BG is now at 14, so I have come down 2 in 1 hour...that's good...yes?

So, what do I do now?....I do feel very tired, should I just go to bed and try to sleep?...My stomach is kind of, well, feels bloated but like hunger feeling?...Can't be right, last thing I need now is to have my cup of tea and digestive!! I normally would have this at night to settle me with all the tablets I take!...I should'nt have the tea and

So sorry if I sound stupid, I really have no clue with all this yet 😱 Does it take a long time to get things right?

What's best to do now please?

P.S. Because the sugar has come dow, doeas that mean that one unit worked?...or is it the units I took with dinner?
The novorapid you took with your meal will continue working for 4-5 hours so it's probably a combination of the two. How long is it now since you ate?

Can you have your tea with sweetener if you normally have sugar? Personally, I wouldn't eat a biscuit if I was at 14 as it will push you higher again. How about a little piece of cheese?

You are doing very well Ellowyne, even if you don't realise it! It's just a case of getting your fasting levels into a better range as your postmeal rises seem quite stable, and that will happen once you get the dose of levemir worked out, so sleep well, and resolve to see your DSN to see if adjustments need making to your doses. Write things down so you don't forget. 🙂
Thank you Northerner...Yes, I do have sweetner, giving up my 2 spoons of sugar in tea was one of my big achievements!...trying to think positive! I last ate at 7pm, when I finished dinner.

I think I will have some water and go to bed, the panick has worn me out!!...Do you know why I would feel hungry when my sugars are still at a 14 though? this unusual?

Thank you for all your help....Ellowyne x
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