Plasma Glucose

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Received my appointment for my 2nd session with the DSN since diagnosis for next week. I have only had one HbA1c done and that was 3 weeks after diagnosis and so was expecting to have another done before this appointment. But she has enclosed the blood carrier 'thingy' and I am not having a HbA1c but the plasma glucose box has been ticked :confused: Is this something similar??
Not sure how similar the tests are. The plasma is the clear part of the blood, so it might pay to ask about the tests to be explained.

HbA1C is done atno more often three monthly intervals. The average red blood cell which everything becomes attached to lives about 3 months in our bodies as we produce new ones.
Not 100% sure but plasma glucose sounds just like a random glucose sample. Ie as if you were testing yourself at home with a monitor.
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