Plasma glucose


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Had a whole range of bloods done on Tuesday with particular reference to B12, some results are on my NHS app. One of them is plasma glucose????? Anybody any suggestions?? I expect the usual BG, but that's not one I've seen before. Different GP. It's within normal range, thankfully.
Had a whole range of bloods done on Tuesday with particular reference to B12, some results are on my NHS app. One of them is plasma glucose????? Anybody any suggestions?? I expect the usual BG, but that's not one I've seen before. Different GP. It's within normal range, thankfully.
I would say that is the level of glucose in the plasma component of the blood after the red cells are removed. It will be the same reaction as the finger prick strips use based an an enzyme reaction.
It is different to the HbA1C which looks at the glucose stuck to the red blood cells.
Had a whole range of bloods done on Tuesday with particular reference to B12, some results are on my NHS app. One of them is plasma glucose????? Anybody any suggestions?? I expect the usual BG, but that's not one I've seen before. Different GP. It's within normal range, thankfully.
It’s just your blood sugar at that moment
@Lucyr is correct @EMcKT. It's another blood test, usually known as a fasting plasma glucose and gives an indication of your fasting sugar levels. Why they chose to do this and not a HbA1c is the next mystery question I suppose, considering this test is measuring your sugars in the fasting period and a HbA1c gives an average over 2-3 months!
Well, firstly it was not fasting at three in the afternoon, Dr had asked but nobody told me and receptionist would not have given me fasting at that time of the day, secondly I wanted B12 checked as recommended by labs. Dr was OK with that but omitted it on the request form, phlebotomist wrote it down!!!! I was having full blood workout which was fine by me, but was surprised by the plasma glucose test. It was normal by the way, so I await the BG with's not on my app yet.
Well, firstly it was not fasting at three in the afternoon, Dr had asked but nobody told me and receptionist would not have given me fasting at that time of the day, secondly I wanted B12 checked as recommended by labs. Dr was OK with that but omitted it on the request form, phlebotomist wrote it down!!!! I was having full blood workout which was fine by me, but was surprised by the plasma glucose test. It was normal by the way, so I await the BG with's not on my app yet.
That would be just at that moment so if in normal range (whatever that might be for a random test) that sounds very positive. The combination of diet and meds are working.
Just checked my app, and the BG was 51. Down from 52 last time and 94 when I started. I'll take that, the other results were acceptable as was the B12 up from last, so the tiredness, aches and pains don't seem to be down to that. One of the tests is odd, so another appr with the Doc will be made to see if she has any suggestions. Lack of appetite and disinterest in food might not be helping, so maybe I have to concentrate a bit more and up my carb intake as I suspect it may be way too low some days. Maybe I shall have to COOK ....oh god!!!! .
Just checked my app, and the BG was 51. Down from 52 last time and 94 when I started. I'll take that, the other results were acceptable as was the B12 up from last, so the tiredness, aches and pains don't seem to be down to that. One of the tests is odd, so another appr with the Doc will be made to see if she has any suggestions. Lack of appetite and disinterest in food might not be helping, so maybe I have to concentrate a bit more and up my carb intake as I suspect it may be way too low some days. Maybe I shall have to COOK ....oh god!!!! .
I'm surprised it hasn't gone down a bit more with the extra medication and keeping fairly low carb. Plenty of nice easy meals you can cook just look for low carb recipes with the ingredients you want to use.
I was a teeny bit disappointed I have to admit, but I know I'm not exercising much, but I just feel that my legs are not supporting me, I walk a bit like a drunk!!!!! Thats possibly why the weight has stabilised. Perhaps I need to have a couple of weeks with a food diary.......not in the mood to contend with that. It's fish for tea tonight. I'll check the recipes and see what I find. Thanks.
Way back when, in the mists of time, when I was diagnosed*… blood checks were calibrated for ‘whole blood’.

Then about 5 years later (I think) the new standard was introduced, and blood results were plasma calibrated instead.

The only thing I remember was that the results just went up a notch or two. Which I found mildly irritating.

But ever since then, every time we’ve talked about BG, we have actually meant BPG (blood plasma glucose). Or perhaps just PG.

* Actually not that long ago to be honest
Oh, I did not realise that. I just presumed that they were different tests. Why the nurse called it one thing and the Dr another, goodness knows although I have sussed that the time scale is different and I was not fasting.
I had hoped it would be a bit lower but c'est la vie. Smoked fish with green veg and a poached egg for tea....
This from 2007

“Ideally, glucose meters should be plasma calibrated and the results should be traceable to the standard reference values. This would bring SMBG data in line with results obtained in the laboratory. The recommendation to use plasma glucose concentrations in the diagnosis of diabetes and prediabetic states provides additional rationale for glucose meters' plasma calibration.”
Thanks for that. I'll need to have another read of my test results as they were both different and did not seem to correlate.
Thanks for that. I'll need to have another read of my test results as they were both different and did not seem to correlate.
You quoted the results of the BG test above as 52, down from 94. This sounds more like the three monthly average test, known as the HbA1c, and you wouldn’t have been asked to fast for this. This is measured in mmol/mol.
When people say 'BG test' on this forum (and at my doctor's) they normally mean the blood test taken from a finger prick machine, which gives a spot check, (or a spot check taken from the arm in the course of blood tests taken at the surgery) which captures the level of glucose in the blood plasma at a single moment in time (formerly given as a 'whole blood' reading, as explained by @everydayupsanddowns above. I remember when it changed, too, I don’t think I'd been diagnosed that long).
This is measured in mmol/l, which is slightly different, but confusingly similar to the HbA1c mmol/mol
Thanks for that explanation.I think what threw me was that particular measurement had not been done before.
It was 10.4mmol/L. and made no sense to me at all. I had not fasted....had not been asked. I can't remember what I had for lunch, think it was three rice cakes and cheese and the test was before three in the afternoon. I suppose it means not a lot as I don't test so had no idea what it would have been before I ate.
The HbA1c level came in today at 51, from 94 in February, 52 in June and 51 this time. That one I understand .
Another case of these abbreviations.......from another post!!!!!
I'll still to revisit the GP but I don't have a huge confidence in her, been a few mistakes in forms etc
Again, thanks to you both.
Thanks for that explanation.I think what threw me was that particular measurement had not been done before.
It was 10.4mmol/L. and made no sense to me at all. I had not fasted....had not been asked. I can't remember what I had for lunch, think it was three rice cakes and cheese and the test was before three in the afternoon. I suppose it means not a lot as I don't test so had no idea what it would have been before I ate.
The HbA1c level came in today at 51, from 94 in February, 52 in June and 51 this time. That one I understand .
Another case of these abbreviations.......from another post!!!!!
I'll still to revisit the GP but I don't have a huge confidence in her, been a few mistakes in forms etc
Again, thanks to you both.
I think you might find that your GP may be happy with the result if they have read the more recent guidelines from NICE about a more lenient HbA1C being appropriate for more mature people which came from research which found that people were being over medicated to try to get their level lower and a more personalised target taking into account other risk factors was safer. As people get older the turnover of red blood cells on which the HbA1C test is based is different as may the number of red blood cells indicating anaemia which is not uncommon.
I shall make an appt with DN and have a chat with her as I really don't know what more I can reduce in the way of carbs without going zero .......which at 76 I think is very silly. I have read before about more leniency for older makes sense when you think about it.