Pizza question!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi everyone

Hopefully you can help me out with a pizza query

J had 2 slices of fairly thick crust pizza for lunch. He took novorapid to cover the 60 carbs, tested and at 5.4 we thought it would be ok.

At tea he tested and was 12 which is high for him. I think he had a slice of toast mid afternoon but we were surprised the reading was that high.

I suspect the pizza is something to do with it as I have read that it can spike a few hours later due to the high fat??

Hopefully someone who eats pizza can give us some advice as J loves it!!
Thank you 🙂
Hi Sue hope im not butting in....I found pizza was a total nightmare for they would cause me alot of spikes, so after doing a experiment on here and finding that it was just impossible to get anything lower then 14, i finally decided to avoid pizza for quite some time, i think a few of us have had bother with pizza, Then i discovered if i made my own it was alot better, i buy the pizza bases thin crust and then add my own toppings, a personal fave of mine is ham,mushroom and red onion.Theres a lot of fat in the pizza and it does seem to be in the system for some time until bang send your BS levels crazy.
Hi Sue, pizzas are notoriously difficult to inject for, partly because of the fat, and partly because they can vary quite a lot from pizza to pizza! The best solution is probably to make your own, but if shop bought or takeaway some trial and error is necessary to see if there is a late spike. If there is, then this can sometimes be combatted by splitting the meal bolus into two injections - taking half before eating then the rest later, maybe after an hour, but again this is trial and error! J will have to try lots of pizza experiments to find out what works best for him 😉

Might be worth taking a look at the 'big night in' pizza experiment to see what happened to others and their strategy:
Oh heck .. I just read the subject and thought I should avoid. Thankfully I'm doing a better job of avoiding eating pizza than reading about it 😉
my daughter brought a 'deliveried 'pizza the other night and of course i had a late night piece ...boy was it Lovely ...but boy was i sick at 3am 😱...its a total no no ..
we make out own and own base ...wholemeal flour a drop of oil and the water to make a dough ..roll out thinly ..bake until turning brown add your choice of toppings bake again and away ya go ..
traditionally the base was the 'baketin ' that goes on the floor of the oven to bake the topping on..not necessarliy eaten the cornish pastie the pastry was just the method of cooking and containing the stew and sweet so the tin miners didnt get their dirty hands from work on the inside ...
pizzas are notoriously difficult to inject for, partly because of the fat, and partly because they can vary quite a lot from pizza to pizza!

I know many find pizza very difficult , especially T2s (sorry guys :( ) but I can and do eat both frozen supermarket style and restaurant pizzas from time to time. There is a delayed delivery in carbs, so it can be worth splitting the calculated dose. Half a regular sized one is usually somewhere on the 45-60g cho mark, so for me that works out around 6u which I might take as 4u before I start and then a top up of 2u maybe an hour after.

TBH I don't always find I need to split 6u doses (depending on bg level pre-meal), but if eating out and having a whole one (more like 120-140g cho 😱) I certainly would or it'd be the ole hypo-high fandango
Dominos is the way forward for a treat of a pizza. Small Texas BBQ and 18 units of Humulin. Big grin.
Or I also find the Pizza Express pizzas you can buy in the supermarkets work OK and they have the carb values on them too. Does help with estimatling sizes when I am out.
Note this is not an everyday thing........yet.
Personally, as a non-insulin-dependent Type 2, I steer well clear of pizza these days.

I used to eat pizza regularly when I was following the "eat plenty of starchy carbohydrate" advice - quite often after eating a pasta starter - maybe even with garlic bread on the side. 😱

Is there any wonder that my Type 2 condition got worse before I learnt to avoid such foods?

I used to love a dominos or pappa johns! Sadly not so anymore, just stuffs me up too full and numbers very often go very high even when I think about it and take half when eat and half later! Have done the home made ones, by making the base in our bread machine, tastes good feels good for the penny catcher too. Tonight wifey is out and she suggested I got a pizza or something I said NO, it just ain't worth it somedays! So I'm going to have a ham and mushroom omlete (my signature dish!)


Rossi 🙂
..........So I'm going to have a ham and mushroom omlete (my signature dish!)..............
Hi Rossi,

A great choice for any diabetic! My wife made me an omlette for breakfast with tinned tomatoes to use up some eggs before she went on holiday. It was a lovely meal!

I didn't test but I'm confident that it wouldn't have done anything bad to my blood glucose levels.

Pizzas are a nightmare. They are easier to deal with on a pump. Generally you will get a spike between 4 and 8 hours later and on a pump you can set up a certain type of bolus.

With injections of novorapid then some people split the dose and give half up front and the other half 2, 3 or 4 hours later.

Worth a try maybe. 🙂
Hi Rossi,

A great choice for any diabetic! My wife made me an omlette for breakfast with tinned tomatoes to use up some eggs before she went on holiday. It was a lovely meal!

I didn't test but I'm confident that it wouldn't have done anything bad to my blood glucose levels.


It was lovely here too! I had some humus with it so injected 1 unit and was 5.4 before bed so all good!! 🙂

Tinned toms omlette sounds good, cheers!
new addition

Deep crust pizzas are the main offenders. Pizza Hut has recently introduced a very thin range (thinner than the usual Italian crust I normally opt for, and then either share or take out the remainder to reheat for another meal). The choice is a bit limited but the toppings are relatively healthy - I tried a goats cheese and tomato version. I think there are only 3 or 4 options in the range, including a chicken option. Only tried on one occasion but my bs levels were normal after consuming the whole pizza!

QUOTE=sue63;160888]Hi everyone

Hopefully you can help me out with a pizza query

J had 2 slices of fairly thick crust pizza for lunch. He took novorapid to cover the 60 carbs, tested and at 5.4 we thought it would be ok.

At tea he tested and was 12 which is high for him. I think he had a slice of toast mid afternoon but we were surprised the reading was that high.

I suspect the pizza is something to do with it as I have read that it can spike a few hours later due to the high fat??

Hopefully someone who eats pizza can give us some advice as J loves it!!
Thank you 🙂[/QUOTE]
Thanks everyone..oh dear pizza seems a nightmare and I know J will be disappointed with this as at uni he often goes out with his mates for pizza:(

We will do some experiments...perhaps with pizza express one of his favourites. Perhaps some exercise after eating may help?

Perhaps a call to our team MAY help as well with some advice about splitting doses.
Thanks everyone..oh dear pizza seems a nightmare and I know J will be disappointed with this as at uni he often goes out with his mates for pizza:(

If he wants to be able to carry on eating it every now and then I'm sure he'll work out a way of managing the effect on BGs. Just takes a little extra testing and some experimentation 🙂

If exercising, I've found it's best for me earlier in the day (usually first thing in the morning) to raise metabolism/increase insulin sensitivity without adding some possible 'post-gym-hypo' action to the 'Pizza-delayed-carb-conundrum'!

Discussing with DSN sounds like a good move, and then maybe some experiments at home with superkmarket ones which have the carbs nicely written on the boxes
I'd agree with Mike - with me, exercise affects me later, so my insulin sensitivity increases before my subsequent meals and I need less insulin. For example:

Breakfast: 1 slice toast and jam =7 units NR

(go for a run)

Lunch: banana sandwich and yoghurt = only 8 units!

Eve. meal: Chicken curry, basmati rice, fruit and ice cream = 9 units!

As you can see, my ratios change considerably through the day. They do anyway, but exercise really changes things, so I'd exercise before rather than after. 🙂
I reckon there's a chance the Pizza Express ones won't be too bad, they are at least thin crust. The only Pizza I've had since diagnosis was a Pizza Hut one, bad idea, very bad idea!😡 Pity too, I love pizza.
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