Has anyone with Type 1 Diabetes been successful with PIP?
It doesn't matter what condition you have, it's how the condition affects you in day to day living and or mobility.
Having a condition doesn't automatically qualify you for PIP
Welcome to the forum @Chronic_warrior88

I think those on the forum who have attempted to get support from PIP have usually had other contributing factors and complications that have made it more difficult/expensive for them to live independently on an ongoing basis
I have never tried because having Type 1 with no complications has never affected my day to day living such that it requires additional assistance.
I feel incredibly lucky to have the NHS so I do not have to fund my insulin, etc and feel there are others more in need of additional tax payers money.

@Chronic_warrior88 is there anything associated with your Type 1 which you are struggling with that the forum can assist with?
Thanks for the responses. I have other chronic illnesses too but always just miss out on the PIP score. I spend over £3k a year on medical stuff including minor peices of equipment so the extra funds would be useful.
was just interested if they have considered pumps and CGMs as assistance like they do dossett boxes or the effects of hypos for example as they ignored all of that on my last application
was just interested if they have considered pumps and CGMs as assistance like they do dossett boxes or the effects of hypos for example as they ignored all of that on my last application
No they don’t generally count pill boxes as an aid, unless the pharmacy has to fill them for you or someone else help you take them I think, not heard of them counting cgm or pump. I think it would be if you needed someone to come and physically do the injection for you, as using an insulin pump shows you’re cognitively able to manage your medical condition yourself.

I got 0 points for managing medication too, didn’t contest it as fine with that and it’s only worth 1 point anyway. The things I put down were pill box, alarms, cgm, sent a statement from someone who helps me with communication with medical team etc and accessibility arrangements I’ve made with the hospital to manage appointments
Thanks for the responses. I have other chronic illnesses too but always just miss out on the PIP score. I spend over £3k a year on medical stuff including minor peices of equipment so the extra funds would be useful.
was just interested if they have considered pumps and CGMs as assistance like they do dossett boxes or the effects of hypos for example as they ignored all of that on my last application
What you need to do is go to other sites in relation to your other chronic conditions and see if there are any pointers to gaining brownie points for a PIP application.
Consider keeping a diary of how each condition affects you and how each one impacts on the other and how it all affects your day to day living.
Example would be chronic fatigue which leaves you unable to function properly on a day to day bases or memory loss which means you need help to remember meds. The list is endless.
No they don’t generally count pill boxes as an aid, unless the pharmacy has to fill them for you or someone else help you take them I think, not heard of them counting cgm or pump. I think it would be if you needed someone to come and physically do the injection for you, as using an insulin pump shows you’re cognitively able to manage your medical condition yourself.
I managed to to score points in that dept 🙂
Basically you have to fill in the form using DWP speak.
Basically you have to fill in the form using DWP speak.
Think I did, as I got all the expected points for ME, none for issues related to other conditions but before I got ME I’d never have considered applying anyway so was fine with that
Another thing which may be useful is whether of not you can consistently / repeatably do something.
Being able to do something on one day is no good if that thing needs doing daily and daily is not possible for you.
Ditto if once a day is doable, but multiple instances are required and once is your limit.

So where necessary specify your limitations on relevant tasks
Thanks, my local CAB has a long wait list so was wondering who else would be able to help
Benefits and work website ?

Depending on your age ......help the aged , age uk

Mindinfo line might be able to help ......they could suggest local advice agencies

For example here in Cardiff we have Riverside advice centre who can help with debt, housing , benefits etc .......maybe have a search in your area ?

What are your other chronic illnesses ?
Crohn's disease, anxiety, PTSD, Arthritis, and dyslexia (and only in my 30s!)
They found ways to dismiss most of what i was trying to claim for... i got 2 points for having a stoma, then they bumped it to 7 for using minor aids but they dismissed the mental health because i was able to make the original phonecall to request the application and arthritis due to not being on prescription pain relief and i didnt sound in pain on the phone!
If you get PIP this carries on past retirement age. If you are of retirement age you have to apply for AA (Attendance Allowance nothing to do with drinking!). People are staggered as besides ling term Type I I have had a leg amputated and spend most of my waking day in a wheelchair! I have been unsuccessful so far and found most (so called) charities next to useless!
Crohn's disease, anxiety, PTSD, Arthritis, and dyslexia (and only in my 30s!)
They found ways to dismiss most of what i was trying to claim for... i got 2 points for having a stoma, then they bumped it to 7 for using minor aids but they dismissed the mental health because i was able to make the original phonecall to request the application and arthritis due to not being on prescription pain relief and i didnt sound in pain on the phone!
Clearly even on just mental health alone you should be getting pip

I can only think the reason you are not is that you have filled in the form without help and support

I would strongly suggest you find a volunteer agency to guide you

You need to search in the area you live as it varies all over the country

Are you near a city ?

Do you have diagnosis for PTSD ? Are you under the care of a psychiatrist for this ?

Did you put this and your other illnesses on the form ?

I am concerned you havnt told the DWP about all your conditions ?
If you get PIP this carries on past retirement age. If you are of retirement age you have to apply for AA (Attendance Allowance nothing to do with drinking!). People are staggered as besides ling term Type I I have had a leg amputated and spend most of my waking day in a wheelchair! I have been unsuccessful so far and found most (so called) charities next to useless!
Have you filled the form in yourself ?

That's never a good idea

Have you back up evidence from consultants ?
Clearly even on just mental health alone you should be getting pip

I can only think the reason you are not is that you have filled in the form without help and support

I would strongly suggest you find a volunteer agency to guide you

You need to search in the area you live as it varies all over the country

Are you near a city ?

Do you have diagnosis for PTSD ? Are you under the care of a psychiatrist for this ?

Did you put this and your other illnesses on the form ?

I am concerned you havnt told the DWP about all your conditions ?
yes i had put that all down and it was very clear on the form and in my assessment.
yes i had put that all down and it was very clear on the form and in my assessment.
You need to appeal the decision

Before you do this you ask for a reconsideration .....that's not a full appeal

You need to contact a charity in your area to help you

Where do you live ?

Send me a private message if you wish