Pins and Needles

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All,

I woke up this morning on 16 (not sure why) and with pins and needles in my thumb and forefinger on one hand - partly through being high and partly through sleeping on it (judging by the imprint lines on my arm).

It's not gone away at all - anyone got any tips on getting rid of it? Doing my nut in and making it difficult to type, which is a pain as I work at a computer 8 hours a day!

I've had it before but it's normally worn off by now.

Thanks in advance.
It’s probably nothing to do with being high, it sounds like a bog standard nocturnal nerve pressure situation. It will get better on its own - how long this takes depends on how long you were lying on it, so it can take 30 minutes to several hours to recover. You may find that sticking your hand into warm water for a few minutes improves things as the blood supply improves.
Sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome to me especially with the repetitive computer work 8 hrs a day. Do you use a mouse? Affects the thumb and forefinger badly.

I had surgery to sort mine out and worked a treat.
Sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome to me especially with the repetitive computer work 8 hrs a day. Do you use a mouse? Affects the thumb and forefinger badly.

I had surgery to sort mine out and worked a treat.
It’s basically nerve compression as Mike says (but obviously reason for it needs to be properly diagnosed),

‘Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a medical condition due to compression of the median nerve as it travels through the wrist at the carpal tunnel. The main symptoms are pain, numbness, and tingling, in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and the thumb side of the ring fingers.’

Used to take me ages to shake my hand back into life on a morning :(

It's not in the hand i use for my mouse - i've got some washing up to do so i'll give the hot water a go.

I have had pins and needles today ALL day! And it feels numb on one side of my hand. Only 1 hand though, and its little finger and ring finger.
How is yours now?
I have had pins and needles today ALL day! And it feels numb on one side of my hand. Only 1 hand though, and its little finger and ring finger.
How is yours now?

Still there and still pissing me off. Hopefully be fine in the morning.
Great. Mine too. Was hoping it would have gone by now. Will get it checked out if not.
I have had pins and needles today ALL day! And it feels numb on one side of my hand. Only 1 hand though, and its little finger and ring finger.
How is yours now?

Carpal tunnel syndrome doesn’t normally affect those fingers Nikki.

@tomcamish, my husband gets what you have when he’s laid badly on his hand. He reckons it comes from a shoulder problem. Ask your doc
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