Pickpocket on the NHS

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ROMANIAN Constantin Radu came to Britain to have treatment for his bad back on the NHS, then made a living from pickpocketing.

His crimes landed him before a court and he was jailed for 40 weeks.

But the 33-year-old, a recent arrival in the UK, will be able to make full use of free health care at the taxpayers’ expense when he is released later this year.

Do British-born thieves not get treated on the NHS? I don't recall having to produce my CRB certificate before being treated.
Watched him in action on tv last Tuesday
The guy's a criminal. End of story.

It isn't relevant that he is Romanian or otherwise. Whilst we are still members of the European Union we have to accept that some immigrants are pretty nasty pieces of work. But they are subject to the law like everyone else.

However, the majority of immigrants are hard-working, usually well educated individuals (often to a higher standard than our home-grown 'talent') who should be welcome in this country.

I'm hating all this Romanian and Bulgarian bashing which is going on at the moment. 😡

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