Gosh, we get pump, handset and Libre downloaded at every visit normally, then they can really see how we are doing and offer advice! We are having a phone consultation tomorrow which will be very odd. No hba1c as they haven’t sent me a kit to collect a blood sample, we can't download the pump data as we don’t have the right disc, they do want us to upload the Libre data though. Bit scary as I’ve never tried, but will have a go shortly, it can’t be that difficult!
Good news though, I’ve just had the dietician on the phone discussing tomorrow's consultation and whether we've done the Libre connection yet. (Her title is dietician but she seems pretty interchangeable with the nurses.). We had a nice chat, and i commented that daughter is due for a new pump next month but I bet that won’t happen. She said actually it might, they are able to get people into the hospital for pump training which will be with our nurse, and as we are changing onto a completely different system this time it's a good idea to get us up and running in time for daughter to have as much practice as possible before she goes back to school. They have to put it to the CCG this week to apply for the funding and as daughter's hba1c has been pretty stable for most of the time she's been diabetic, it's unlikely that they will object. Then we should be called in for a meeting with the DSN within a few weeks. So the pump change will hopefully happen pretty much on time, that is exciting! Although we've had two Combos and they are good pumps so will be a touch of sadness to see them go (from me anyway, I’m a sentimental old idiot!)
Daughter has been doing a lot of online research, and she also favours the T-Slim, second choice Medtronic.