Philpott Sentencing Delayed

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I was very surprised to hear that sentencing has now been delayed until tomorrow so that the judge can consider things further. Considering these benefit scroungers burnt six innocent children to death (who cares if it was a stupid plan gone wrong) there can be no other sentence apart from whole life tariffs.
Take 2:-

I was very surprised to hear that sentencing has now been delayed until tomorrow so that the judge can consider things further. Considering these benefit scroungers burnt six innocent children to death (who cares if it was a stupid plan gone wrong) there can be no other sentence apart from whole life tariffs.

I don't believe he deserves to have any life. I would be in favour of the death penalty in this case.
I'm not in the death penalty camp. However long they get, they will have a ghastly time in gaol and will be ostracised by society if they ever do get out. They will be punished for the rest of their lives. As they deserve.
I didn't get the delayed sentencing unless the PSR's (pre sentence reports) weren't done for all 3 defendants in time.

And why convicted of manslaughter??? It should be murder
Presumably lack of concrete proof they intended to kill the kids?

Not 100% certain but wasn't it one of the two females in the menage a trois they wanted to see off?
Just because the man's completely detestable doesn't mean he isn't entitled to justice..... it appears that he didn't mean to kill his 6 kids (however stupid that makes him, given he set fire to an extremely flammable house with them inside) which means it's manslaughter. The legal definition of 'murder' involves intent to kill.

However, I reckon they should offer people like him the death penalty if the alternative's going to be life inside. He might prefer it and it would practically be cheaper for the state (and save some poor person from finding him and another from getting into trouble when he finds a way to hang himself in his cell).
Presumably lack of concrete proof they intended to kill the kids?

I haven't seen the news coverage apart from today so don't know what's been going on. I did see he had a QC so that's maybe ?30k first day & at least ?10k-?15k refresher on legal aid - ouch
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