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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Following good results I could not figure out why I was feeling decidedy iffy.

My readings have been fine, but over the last few days I have had this, for wnt of a better description, a fluttery heart.

It was constant tonight from around 5pm, so I called NHS direct, who were brilliant, but they said due to my 'risk factor' to get to the hospital asap.

As I llive less then a mile from my A & E, I jumped in a taxi. NHS direct had faxed details of our telephone conversation to the hospital . When I got there I was wired up to a lot of monitors.

After 3 hours, an armful of blood tests - I was told all was OK and I could go home but to make an appt to see my GP to get a 24 hour heart monitor.

Phew I am shattered. Still don't know was this 'futterly heart' is, but the hospital says NOT a heart attack :confused:

Thanks for listening

Following good results I could not figure out why I was feeling decidedy iffy.

My readings have been fine, but over the last few days I have had this, for wnt of a better description, a fluttery heart.

It was constant tonight from around 5pm, so I called NHS direct, who were brilliant, but they said due to my 'risk factor' to get to the hospital asap.

As I llive less then a mile from my A & E, I jumped in a taxi. NHS direct had faxed details of our telephone conversation to the hospital . When I got there I was wired up to a lot of monitors.

After 3 hours, an armful of blood tests - I was told all was OK and I could go home but to make an appt to see my GP to get a 24 hour heart monitor.

Phew I am shattered. Still don't know was this 'futterly heart' is, but the hospital says NOT a heart attack :confused:

Thanks for listening


Hi Hazel , sorry to hear you've had such a terrible day today. You did the right thing to get checked out , if they had any worries you wouldnt be home now so try not to worry too much . I have noticed that when any Diabetic mentions chest pain the Heart Monitors come out !! Ive had it done at least 3times and Im only a young Diabetic , so they dont even take age into consideration. try not to worry and get a good nights rest. Let us know how you are and how you get on at the docs . Take Care 🙂 A.M
I hope you are feeling better. I agree you did the right thing in getting it checked out. Had it been more serious you would not have been sent home to make an appointment to see your GP.
hi hazel you where totally right going to get it sorted id of been the same , hope your better now x
Hazel, glad that you got it checked out and that you are OK. I had various heart problems when I was diagnosed and spent 4 days in the cardiac care unit - believe me, they really wouldn't have let you go if they didn't think you were going to be fine! What I did notice was that about 80% of the people in the unit had diabetes, although most of them were undiagnosed Type2 being admitted with heart problems and then discovering they were diabetic. It really brought it home to me at the time how much greater the risks seemed to be.

However, we are not undiagnosed, so we are aware and taking steps to make sure we keep those levels as healthy as possible. A couple of months after my hospital stay I was told that I was actually considered low risk, becasue my only risk factor was diabetes, so the more you can reduce those other risks, the better it will be for your heart.

Hope you are feeling better today!🙂
Hi Hazel...

You did the right thing phoning and going to the hospital to get things checked out...🙂.. Hope you are feeling much better today.

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