Pharmacy funding cuts 'could force closures'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Pharmacies in England could face steep funding cuts within weeks that will force some to close, the industry's negotiating body has said.

The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee told the BBC the Department of Health has drawn up proposals to cut funding by 12% from December.

It said the cuts were "madness" and would damage the NHS and social care.

The Department of Health said no final decision had been made. An announcement is expected shortly.

Sue Sharpe, chief executive of the PSNC, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the changes would throw the health service into "chaos", as more people would be forced to turn to GPs instead of pharmacists.

Is there any joined-up thinking in the government's health policy? No need to answer that... 🙄 :(
No because they seem to be pushing towards going to Pharmacy!
This is not totally a new story it was first reported a while ago but seemed to have got lost somewhere!
My local pharmacy opened around 30 years and for years a number of years it was run with just family members the Pharmacist' s a husband and wife, and a couple of family members who just served in the shop!
Now they are so busy they now not only have other Pharmacists they employ a number of assistants! This is on an out of town shopping parade in an estate! They are the only original traders left on the parade! The newsagent/supermarket has changed hands a few times, currently a One Stop! The other is a Ladbrokes!
Changed channels yesterday tea time to BBC Parliament and discovered why this story has resurfaced now! Apparently this was one of the paused decsions that was made on change of leadership!
I watched them debating it yesterday and the Minister was been pushed on numbers likely to go but he would not be drawn on figures! He was also asked if he would protect rural ones which he said yes!
They have an agenda that they want Pharmacies to offer more services, but I don't know where he goes but mine and most around here already do!
The feeling seemed to be that the fear is the ones that go will be the independents and we will be left with chains! My independent is better stocked range wise than the Boots owned one, which is the next one along! I get addressed by name mostly in my Independent and will order things if they don't stock and can get !
Boots is now part of the huge Walgreens empire in the USA, the biggest pharmacy company over there. Alliance health care is also part of the same organisation. They supply drugs, surgical and medical equipment to hospitals across Europe and the UK.

Conspiracy theorists, have yourself a field day with that info.
I was aware that Boots was US owned now! They were also implying that some of the ither chains are owned by hedge funds!
Yes, Boots were owned by such a fund before Walgreens moved in. I don't doubt that they will eat all the other chains up eventually.
I think the general public still think of Boots as a UK company!
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