Pharmacist opens mouth ... and says ...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi All ...

I just thought I would share this with you all ... because it is quite unbelievable ... But lets just say the pharmacist may be more careful next time he puts his mouth into gear and his brains follow through.

Today I had to collect Nathan's new prescription .. He's having his insulin changed as of tomorrow to Hypurine Porcine Isophane and Neutral ... But thats a different thread .. but needless to say we are both looking forward to the change ..

Well I went into the chemist .. the usual one who supply all Nathans requirements .. anyway there was a little bit of a conversation going on between the dispenser and pharmacist regarding cost and who they would claim it back from ... that bit puzzled me a bit ... all of a sudden the pharmacist turned to me and said " This is really expensive insulin the 4 boxes come to ?100.80p" .. This took me a back for a second .. To which I replied "And?" .. Pharmacist says .. "Its pork insulin .. a by product of the danish bacon industry" .... "Whoa .. hang on a minute, to what concern of this is it to you I questioned .. Besides that very 4 boxes of ?100 insulin you are holding is keeping my child alive, i have no concern over the cost only that it does its job" .. was my response ... He then said " Oh that is a good job we have the NHS to fund it " ... at this point my back went right up and I fired in to him .." Well, come on then ... lets work the cost out of keeping a 14 year old alive out then .. test strips, needles, glucogen kit, lancets, hypostop, ketosticks .. brilliant I have a ? sign on the top of my son's head .. for a condition he did not ask for .. it was'nt down to abusing his body, it is a club that no-one would job given half the chance .. If you are that concerned about the cost of his condition and saving the NHS money, be a bright spark and find the cure " ... I paused for breath ... the final line I replied " At 9am in the morning when all the addicts turn up for there Methadone, Valium and what other barbiturates they require to make them feel normal .. tell them who much they cost the NHS ... for there self inflicted and selfish condition"

With that the pharmacist looked stunned and didnt reply .. only with a very sheepish look ..

I walked out of there feeling various emotions .. from anger to hurt ... but then I thought " Dont start with me .. you will not win ..."


Good for you not being pushed about. I always wish I can come out with a retaliation and often think of the best things to say after the event is over so good for you!

That aside, I really hope the new insulin works out for you and Nathan and good luck hon xx
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Typical. When a damn medic or someone similar starts to talk about diabetes they get it wrong. I hope you slapped the oxygen thieving mug.
what a total moron if it was not for the NHS he would be out of a job, what business of it of his cost or anything the lame excuse for a human being needs a dressing down(well seems like he got one already and duly so) you should complain you have every right hun xx

p.s good luck with the new insulin hun x
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Reeeeespect to you girl, a virtual pat on the back:D (wish I was there to see!😉)

Hope the new insulin does wonders🙂
I wonder if that self-righteous so and so has the same thoughts about cost when there's a ?7.20 prescription charge for a packet of tablets that cost 28p ? (when I worked in a chemist this often astounded me!)

Sounds like it was a thoughtless remark, and that the pharmacist was raather wishing to show his knowledge rather than thinking about how such a comment might sound. Actually, I don't think it's that much more expensive than novorapid or lantus, which is around ?25-?30 for 5 cartridges. In the US they pay much more for their insulin because it is funded by private insurance.

Hope the bacon industry comes up trumps for Nathan! 🙂
You go girl girl. I bet he'll put his brain in gear before he flaps his jaws next time.
well said especially about the addicts free loading of the state , the pharmacist was totally out of order , i hope you take it further if , if you don't mind was it a independent or a main chain chemist ?
Hehehe ... Thank you ... But believe me at that moment I could have shoved the packets .. where the sun don't shine on him ... lol ....😱

In retrospect I do hope he has learned something from it ... not to be so damn rude and ignorant to peoples needs and feelings ... What I lack in height (I'm only 5ft) I make up in attitude ... only when it matters though ... and standing my ground where Nathan is concerned is one of them ... mothers are like lioness and will do anything to protect there cubs .. 🙂

Thank you all as well on your wishes regarding Nathan's insulin change ... Nathan is so looking forward to it ... I think its the turning point he needs as well .. he cant go on as he is at the mo .. regarding insulin amounts etc .. Fingers crossed the transition will be smooth ... But as we all know diabetes is there to challenge us ... :D

Note to self - don't mess with Heidi 😉

Good on you for putting the jobsworth in their place.

well said especially about the addicts free loading of the state , the pharmacist was totally out of order , i hope you take it further if , if you don't mind was it a independent or a main chain chemist ?

Hi Lewis ...

It was a well known main street chemist ... But if my memory serves me right .. he is only in there occasionally .. I think he is more of a stand in .. when the usual one is on holiday ... she is brilliant .. you can talk to her about any form of medication etc and well up on her info etc

OMG! Well done Heidi! Our pharmacist is a right grumpy so and so, and if he started with me i'd probably be in floods of tears. You did absolutely the right thing and that was a fab comment you left him with.
wooww well done heidi xxxx and good luck to Nathen aswell
Well done Heidi :D Did said pharmacist apologise? I would be inclined to put in a complaint.
If it were me I would have walked out in floods of tears :(
I don't suppose the pharmacist thought about the drug companies ripping off the NHS :confused:
I agree- it is the drug companies that charge the NHS a small fortune and should be made to feel the wrath of Heidi 😉, look at the scandal surrounding Glaxo-Smith-Kline and the H1N1 vaccine costs.....I cant believe its not criminal.

I honestly am not wishing to start a conflict, but I must say something in defense of drug detoxers as it has been mentioned earlier- just please be mindful that some generalisations can be offensive to some people.

But, all in all, way to go 🙂
I honestly am not wishing to start a conflict, but I must say something in defense of drug detoxers as it has been mentioned earlier- just please be mindful that some generalisations can be offensive to some people.

But, all in all, way to go 🙂

hear hear sugar xx🙂
I honestly am not wishing to start a conflict, but I must say something in defense of drug detoxers as it has been mentioned earlier- just please be mindful that some generalisations can be offensive to some people.

But, all in all, way to go 🙂

Absolutely, it's sadly such a complex and involved issue, going much deeper than the pharmacy and nhs issues which goes very far off topic so probably not a debate for this thread!!! 😉
Meant to add, well done on dealing with the pharmacist. I have found many pharmacists to be so helpful and knowledgable when I've needed it, but crossing the line into questioning the decision of a doctor, based on cost , is ridiculous!
What a thing for a pharmacist to say. Doesn't he think it's bad enough having to live with a cronic medical condition without being made to feel guilty about the cost of meds, just because diabetes happens to entitle you to a medical exemption certificate.
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