Phantom Pain

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Someone asked me to write about phantom pain and I will try and do so on the near future. Today for no reason it hit me about 7:30 and is now only fading after double dose pain killers! It was like the right side of my missing left foot had been broken and a bunsen burner was being played over it. It's so bad I can't read or watch TV. As Johnny Cash sung in "Hurt" "I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real". He had had a leg ampuated at that stage of his life due to diabetes related PAD!
Johnny Cash belonged to the Country & Western super group "The Highwaymen" of which Waylon Jennings was also a member. Waylon was also diabetic and lost a foot towards the end of his life.
I can understand that sort of pain.... ie the sort that you have to focus on to cope with it because it is beyond any sort of distraction. Do you have any idea of how long it will go on for each time or is there no set pattern. I know if you have an idea that it will fade in and hour or two, it gives you a bit of light at the end of the tunnel and you can sort of count it down, but if there is no set timescale for how long it will go on, that must make it incredibly tough.
Sending (((HUGS)))
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