Petition on Diabetes UK

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Oh, I will have to sign that too.
Thanks for the heads up on this one.

Petition signed and my MP has heard from me yet again!!

Andy 🙂
signed there a standard letter to MP ? ..i will go and check !🙂 there was but sadly it was refering to a meeting on 12th sept ..andy did you do a personel letter that maybe we could template to email to our MPS
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signed there a standard letter to MP ? ..i will go and check !🙂 there was but sadly it was refering to a meeting on 12th sept ..andy did you do a personel letter that maybe we could template to email to our MPS

Oops! I didn't notice THAT! I just sent that standard letter with some additional sentences (although the lobby meeting was on the 12th October rather than 12th September).

My letter ended up being .....

Subject: Science is Vital ? Please sign EDM 767 and attend lobby on 12th October

Dear <MP's Name>

I am one of your constituents and I would like you to:
- sign EDM 767 ? Science is Vital (
- sign the Science is Vital petition ? (
- and attend a lobby in Parliament on 12 October (15.30, Committee Room 10).

The evidence is clear that investing in research brings a range of economic and social benefits, and that severe cuts at the very moment that our competitor nations are investing more could jeopardize the future of UK science.

I am a firm believer in our Country and its strengths in science and research and I don't want to see us jeopardise it.

Although this message was mostly copied from a standard letter, I do believe that :

Cuts will harm the economy
Cuts will waste the investment already made in facilities and people Cuts will hurt world-class research, not eliminate waste The Science is Vital [] coalition, along with the Campaign for Science and Engineering [], are calling upon the Government to set out a supportive strategy, including public investment goals above or at least in step with economic growth. Without such investment and commitment the UK risks its international reputation, its market share of high-tech manufacturing and services, the ability to respond to urgent and long-term national scientific challenges, and the economic recovery.

I have signed the petition at

Yours sincerely,

Andy 🙂
Oops! I didn't notice THAT! I just sent that standard letter with some additional sentences (although the lobby meeting was on the 12th October rather than 12th September).

i am definately a month out of sinc at the moment !!! hahaa will send ole Dominic a letter anyway me thinks !
I think it said that after the meet people can continue to sign & contact MPS 🙂

i am definately a month out of sinc at the moment !!! hahaa will send ole Dominic a letter anyway me thinks !

Aye! Dominic is my MP too! 🙂

I actually quite like him (but got 'suckered' into voting Lib Dem last time!)
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