Peterborough youth learns to cope with type 1 diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
At 10 years old, Alexia Shearer is already counting every single carbohydrate she eats.
Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at six, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a routine she's grown up with.

She tests her own blood sugar levels with a glucometre before she eats, and inputs the carbohydrates of her meals and snacks into an electronic device which controls an small insulin pump she wears on her stomach.

She puts in a number, and the machine, specially programmed to meet her needs, calculates the amount of insulin the pump delivers.

Most days she forgets it's there, she says, noting she changes her pump twice each week.

As she proudly lists the sports and activities she participates in during and after school, it's clear having diabetes isn't slowing her down.

Since I've started posting these news stories it has amazed me how many North American towns etc. have the same names as UK ones! I always knew there were a few, but there are thousands! Did they not have any imagination? 🙄
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