Peroids and diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Does anyone else get this.

When i am on my peroid, my blood sugars are abit lower than they usually are.

I dont mind this beacuse it means when i need to have some chocolate i can.

I was just wondering if anyone else noticed it too?

yes absolutely.

Uusually I reduce my insulin the first two days only 1-2 units, otherwise I find I will hypo by mid morning and or late afternoon
Me too!

Not dramatically but they do go down - and a great excuse for a bit of choc ;)
i didnt realise this happened to other people i thought it was some thing that just happened to me i did mention it to my nurse but she said there was no connection but it happens every time i have a period
DUK have no research on this either - but from experience and forums like his it seems it is quite a common problem for some and needs to kept an eye on. Good luck xx
i didnt realise this happened to other people i thought it was some thing that just happened to me i did mention it to my nurse but she said there was no connection but it happens every time i have a period

My diabetic nurse said it happens in some but not all. And to adjust insulin if necessary. I also mentioned that my injections are sometimes more painful when I am ovulating. she said this could be down to sensititvity with hormone fluctuations.
My diabetic nurse said it happens in some but not all. And to adjust insulin if necessary. I also mentioned that my injections are sometimes more painful when I am ovulating. she said this could be down to sensititvity with hormone fluctuations.

Yes injections are more painful.

I am so glad its not just me, My doctor and nurse just looked at me like i was crazy haha.
I thought lower blood sugars were associated with periods in everyone, diabetic or not, that's why us ladies all crave chocolate at that time of the month!
Ah thats an interesting idea. xx
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