Peripheral Neuropathy

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello I am a new member and unfortunately been diagnosed with a neuropathy
(nerve damage) loss of feeling in my hands and lower limbs, which means my balance and coordination are not what they should be, walking downstairs, I have to hold on to the hand rail things like this carry a pint or cup of tea, I tend to spill them.
I Have managed my blood sugars well over the for years I have had diabetes.
Have any of you younger diabetics had similar problems at such a young age, as this condition is associated with older diabetic 😱😱😱people, or people who do not manage their blood glucose. If there is anyone can they tell me how they cope and is there any treatment
I am an older diabetic (50 last birthday). As I have got older there are many things I can no longer do like run up and down stairs.

My sense of balance has always been bad right from when I was a kid, I never did get the hang of roller skates or a bike, and for a long time it has been a standing joke it takes time in the morning for my feet to get co ordinated.

I've found a sense of humor helps and being patient with myself. I also do tai chi. You might find the website helpful as they do a variety of books and DVDs for different medical conditions (not just arthritis). It is not a replacement for medical advice, so if you want to speak to your medical team about it as well, do so.
Hi Daniel, I've been diagnosed with neuropathy a couple of months ago, it's just in my feet and is only neuopathic pain at the moment I luckily do have sensation still and hope that it doesn't get any worse. I am on gabapentin for the pain which does help somewhat. Do you get pain aswell or is your balance the main problem?

I'm fairly young too (23) and have managed good control for most of the 9 years that I have had diabetes. I guess some of us are more genetically suseptiable to certain complications despite having good control.
Sorry to hear about your problems.

Sadly, even if you control your blood sugars carefully (and also eat a generally healthy diet and keep active), you can still suffer complications. At least continuing good control and habits will slow the deterioration.

Slightly off topic, if your problems give rise to addition care needs (ie you need help from another person, even if you don't get it), it might be worth applying for Disability Living Allowance (if under 65 years) or Attendance Allowance (if over 65 years). DLA has care component at 3 levels (Low, Medium & High) and mobility component (Higher - virtually unable to walk; Lower - needs accomponiying outdoors). This is only a very brief introduction - it is recommneded to consult a welfare rights advisor for advice about whether or not to claim and how to fill in form. I hope your problems aren't serious enough to qualify!
Thanks people for replying, no there is no pain its just the a balance at the moment
if anyone else has anything else to say about the subject then please post it
Thank you again

FOR THE DLA is worth asking to some organisation like CARE FOR THE CARERS they have been very useful to me and my son
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