Period - Stubborn hypos and different basal

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Folks,

I suppose this is more of a moan / vent than asking for advice, but I will take any advice given.

After my sterlisation on 11th April, I was told to take my pill until 11th May. So I knew it would be this week my first period since happened. In terms of flow, it is so light it is non existent but the cramps and bloating have been more than usual.

My normal basal is 25.1 a day, and I have a basal period setting which is lower at 22.4, because I always get lower levels during these few days.
My period started on Tuesday and I have been fighting very stubborn low since, so much so that I have now created a second period lower basal setting, which is 21.2 but I will have to adjust I think again. I will add an image for the last few hours, but as an example my insulin was turned off for 4 hours yesterday. I am only taking my bolus for food, with no corrections even at mealtimes (corrections suggested by the pump) because I was crashing very quickly. I don't normally even have a hypo a week now, maybe 1. This week I have had 5 and have avoided a lot more than that.

It is so tiring, I forgot how much effort these days are. Glad I can WFH in peace and safety to deal with them but I couldn't focus much mentally yesterday so was a blocker on my work. I was just waiting to feel okay to start doing things again.

It should be over in a few days, so I know it is just more checking my levels and reacting on the data, until it is over and its not forever, but while sitting in it its not fun at all. Urgh hormones!

I also know that my hormones will take a while to get used to being off contraceptive, which I have been on some from of (excluding my pregnancy) for 16 years, so I know the next few months will be a change, fingers crossed that I have a new normal soon.

Also its so much easier with the tech, the libre and my pump mean even these tricker days are not as bad as they would have been and I am still able to function and do things even at a reduced level.
When I have a period of stubborn, annoying hypos like that, I make a bigger than usual reduction in my basal @PhoebeC I also reduce my boluses too, particularly if I’m going to be out or are working as I don’t want to worry about hypos then. As you say, it’s a lot easier at home but still annoying and stressful.
I hope it settles quickly for you. When having several hypos or lots of stubborn hypos then yes reduce your basal but also do 10-15g of free carbs at meals until it settles.
the blue crosses are all the times my alarm went off I have had to turn off my insulin and have something to eat


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I hope it settles quickly for you. When having several hypos or lots of stubborn hypos then yes reduce your basal but also do 10-15g of free carbs at meals until it settles.
Yes I have been doing this. I got fed up of eating snacks yesterday.
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