Period loss

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm not sure if that's a post for the general message board or the off topic's, but since I want to discuss this in my next diabetes appointment I thought I could ask you guys (well, mostly you girls!).

So, last summer my period stopped coming. It was before my type 1 diagnosis, so when I also started having symptoms like tiredness and pee all the time, you can imagine what crossed my mind. Pregnancy test were negative, but a few months later with no signs of my period I got quite worried and went to a gynecologist, which did an ultrasound and all that and didn't find anything. A month later diabetes diagnosis explained the other symptoms, I consulted a GP about my period and she requested some blood test for hormones but couldn't find an explanation either. The diabetes consultant said it could be the stress my body was suffering with the uncontrolled blood sugars and with the new insulin treatment it could sort itself.

We agreed we would discuss it in my next appointment if it hadn't go back to normal. It's in a few days and no, I haven't had a period in about 8 months. I'm 25. I don't miss them, but worry it might be a sign of some hidden problem. Have any of you had a similar experience, or heard it from someone else? Something I could suggest the doctor to check for?

There's no chance I've become pregnant in the meantime, so if my gynecologist was useless and didn't see a baby there, I would be posting very soon about a shocking unexpected childbirth!!
Did you lose weight before your diabetes diagnosis? Sudden weight loss especially if you drop below a certain point can lead to cessation of periods.
Did you lose weight before your diabetes diagnosis?
Not really, actually I felt I had put some weight on during the summer, and came back down when I tried to eat a bit more healthy as I suspected diabetes (not diagnosed yet). But they weren't big weight changes, just felt my jeans a bit tighter than usual and then, back to normal.
That loss of periods has actually happened to me a few times over 20 years of diabetes during times when my blood sugars haven’t been very well controlled & came back when my blood sugars were better controlled again. My DSN said my ovaries went to sleep when my blood sugars were high & needing more insulin & woke up again when both blood sugars & insulin went down! Menstrual cycles are controlled by hormones & insulin is a hormone too. I’ve always been very sensitive to hormonal imbalances & had loads of problems with my cycles even before I became diabetic at the age of 29!
Thanks for your reply @Lanny ! It makes sense, I thought it could be something like that. My blood sugars seem to be fine at the moment, but maybe I'm not testing often enough. Or maybe my ovaries are a bit lazy and take a long time to wake up after BG are balanced!
I am way past menopause, but after 5 years of controlled blood glucose my thyroid seems to be working again, despite decades of having to take 200 micrograms of Thyroxine daily.
Over the last year or so I have been tested, found too high and had the dose reduced by 25micrograms, repeated a few months later, same again - now down to 125 micrograms.
It was after several years of normal blood glucose results, but totally unexpected response by my endocrine system, so anything might happen, it seems.
Probably it is waiting for the perfect moment to make its big re-entrance, something like a night out wearing a nice pair of white trousers!
I can't pinpoint my issues to D (since it is new) but generally when I am unwell for an extended length of time, my periods have always gone wonky 🙂
Short term stuff like colds etc it always decided to show up when I felt my worst :confused:

I would err on the side of caution and not go out in white jeans 😉:rofl:

Joking aside, give it some time and maybe ask dsn again and possibly ask for another gyno referral if it is still a no show. You will be going back with new information and they might have some more advice or solutions to offer x
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Mine stopped for about six months from the start of the first lockdown. My control was good so the pandemic/increased stress was the only thing I could think could be having an affect. I did see online that a few other ladies had noticed the same.
Now completely back to normal cycle.. yay!
I went for about 10 years with no period - long story short it turned out to be PCOS. Might be worth getting that checked out.
I went for about 10 years with no period - long story short it turned out to be PCOS. Might be worth getting that checked out.
Thanks for the idea. GP suggested the same but the blood test didn't show that, apparently.
Mine stopped for about six months from the start of the first lockdown. My control was good so the pandemic/increased stress was the only thing I could think could be having an affect. I did see online that a few other ladies had noticed the same.
Now completely back to normal cycle.. yay!
Mine also stopped for 2 months in summer 2020, but came back to normal after that and didn't think much of it. I expected it would be the same this time, maybe it will be but it's taking longer
Thanks for the idea. GP suggested the same but the blood test didn't show that, apparently.
PCOS diagnosis relies on a couple of symptoms, not just blood tests. I don’t think mine ever showed in a blood test but a scan of my ovaries, weight gain, no periods, acne etc etc did. I think it’s worth pursuing as there can be resulting problems with the womb lining if it’s left for a long time. GPs don't tend to be interested unless you're looking to get pregnant - its a real issue. Charity Verity has more resources including how to get help
I’m right there with you! Was poorly and loosing a lot of weight, peeing like a horse but constantly thirsty, leg pain/cramps for around 18+ months before diagnosis. On cerelle (which can stop your cycle) so put it down to that and the stress I was under at the time.
I’ve only been diagnosed T1D since last October (rushed to hospital seriously DKA,BG of 175) and still no periods to the day (still on meds). Drs aren’t sure what is happening with my cycle but bloods all come back fine, internally everything is good. Told it could be the contraceptive/the amount of stress my body was under before diagnosis. could that possibly be the same for yourself?
Hope you find some answers
Hi! I literally got my period this morning for the first time in 18 months. I was diagnosed last May, but had been stressed, then started losing a lot of weight a couple of months before diagnosis. I only really started putting on weight after Christmas - I was severely underweight. I tend to lose mine when I am stressed / not eating well (too little) / lose too much weight, so I wasn't too alarmed. I've gone months in the past without one (never been pregnant or on the pill), but this is the longest I've ever been without.

It makes sense that if our bodies are stressed, for whatever reason, we don't have periods - we can't support a healthy pregnancy. Not to make light of it, but try to relax and nourish your body. If the docs have found nothing, hopefully she will come back when she's ready.
Hi ladies! Just coming to say my period finally came back last night, first time since last August. Not the perfect day, I am going away for the weekend, but I'm relieved. And I wasn't wearing white trousers! :rofl:

Let's see if my cycle goes back to normal after that.
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