People with diabetes 'still denied vital prescriptions'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Patients with diabetes are missing out on vital prescriptions that let them keep tabs on their condition, despite repeated warnings, says Diabetes UK.

Its poll of 1,300 patients found nearly half had had prescriptions for blood-testing strips refused or restricted.

The Department of Health has previously written to GPs reminding them not to restrict access to this kit other than for clinical reasons.

Doctors say there is a balance to be struck with protecting NHS resources.

Diabetics must know their blood-sugar reading to stop it going dangerously high or low.

In the long-term, poorly managed blood-glucose levels can lead to serious complications such as blindness, amputations and stroke.

Although type 2 diabetes can sometimes be managed by keeping a close check on what you eat, type 1 needs a medication called insulin to keep blood glucose in a safe range and so requires frequent blood sugar tests.

"There has been significant over-testing and over-prescribing of strips in the past for some patients, and this is not beneficial for the patient or the NHS."

So monitor it and check the strips are being used appropriately, don't just blanket ban their prescription!!! 😡
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