People living or travelling in camperavans to be fined and / or imprisonned if new government bill is passed

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Amity Island

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
With house prices beyond the reach of many and a shortage of housing generally, many people now choose (or have to) to live in campervans. Approx 60,000 people live off grid in the UK. With the currently evolving trend of being able to live and work anywhere (provided one has a laptop and a mobile phone), people are choosing to live in campervans around the UK whilst working remotely. Given furlough will soon be coming to an end, what will happen to those people who can't afford a home, those who lose their home as a result of losing their job? Squatting was outlawed in the UK in 2013, essentially leaving only the streets for those left homeless.

The law also applies to those who choose to "take their time" travelling the UK rather than staying in official camp sites could see a fine, up to three months in prison and the confiscation of their vehicle and possessions.

Not sure what this has to do with diabetes,but i assume there are transients that need to use local clinics,health centers and get persciptions etc,also dump their rubbish,feel safe at night from crime,benefit from street lighting etc.
Consequently,if they are happy to pay council tax,i cant see why councils should not make provision for supervised low cost hygenic sites for them in the local community.
Common land historically was put aside locally under the guardianship of local councils just for this purpose.
No, only if you park on private land without gaining permission first - or there are already signs up saying No Camping - and, having been requested by the landowner (or his representative) to leave, you refuse to do so. Then said landowner/rep can call the police and ask them to remove you etc.

It's called Trespass. If you choose to break the law, it is correct that you pay the price.
I've just read in the local news that somebody has been living in their car for 9 months and keeps getting told he doesn't qualify for housing by the council, but can't get a job as he doesn't have an address, talk about a vicious circle.
  • Traditional nomadic communities, such as Irish Travellers and ‘new age travellers’
Good luck with enforcing that one, law unto themselves.
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