Peoblems with injections levermire

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When I injected my levermire last night (28 units in thigh) when I removed the needle quite abit run down my leg what do you do when that happens leave it and keep your eye o ye BG levels or add some more just in case I checked every hour an half through the night just incase it did rise but didn't go over 15 thanks for your help
But how do you know how much has dribbled? There's no way to tell, until your blood glucose drifts up.

I have tried both methods, (immediately injecting a little more / leaving it until next time), with mixed results. Probably best to add a correction later if and when needed.
But how do you know how much has dribbled? There's no way to tell, until your blood glucose drifts up.

I have tried both methods, (immediately injecting a little more / leaving it until next time), with mixed results. Probably best to add a correction later if and when needed.
That was my main concern not knowing how much was lost thanks for your reply
You mind find it useful to leave the pen in for a count of 10 after you have delivered the insulin and see if that helps to avoid leakage. You could also split the injection in two and out them in two different places.
Many people split Levemir and do a morning and an evening injection. This can give better coverage throughout the day and allows you to make adjustments to one of them without impacting the other dose.
It would be worth having a conversation with you team.
Such a bother isn’t it @Ianhat

No way of knowing how much went missing... and there are potentially nasty consequences of guessing wrong and topping up. Especially at night when it’s trickier to keep an eye on things.

I think @SB2015’s suggestion of leaving the needle in place for a count of 10 is something I’ve also heard from HCPs.

You could also try a slightly longer needle length to see if that helps? Or take the injection split between two sites at the same time (or split at 2 sites at different times of the day).

Hope it’s a long while before you get another leaky jab 🙂
A bit leaking what I would do in that situation is just montier and correct if needed rather then give myself more and risk plumbiting(also sometimes if it's only a bit on my skin it's actuatly that the nedde was wet from the air shot(which has happened ocusulinally so that's what's in my skin and not at missing insulin after all)
If it is a regular occurrence then as others have said, things to consider are a count of 10 and if it is a large-ish dose, split it into two. My morning Levemir is 24 units so I split it into 2x 12units and put one into each buttock. Also if injecting into your thigh, you might find it better if your leg is not fully bent or straight as the tissue is under less pressure in that midway position. And as mentioned consider longer needles.

If it is just a one off, just manage any higher levels that result from the deficit with corrections of bolus insulin as and when needed
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