Pear going pear shaped??

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Well Lola has been around 15 for the last few days with a cold. So I finally called the nurse and we decided to put her on a temporary basal of 130% and see how that went. I'd just literally set that up on the pump, then checked her before lunch and she was 2.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The lowest for a week. All I can think is that it's the pear she had for mid morning snack. I entered the whole thing as 14 CHO, assumed pear was 10CHO per 100g. I used the bolus wizard. Do not know how that happened. Cancelled the temp basal. Now she's asleep. Sigh. No wonder she is cranky these days.
Sounds as though she was well on the road to recovery when the TBR was put on..

Don't beat yourself up about it, as even us whose in charge of our own pump to similar things... You get used to it and will be better able to judge it all

Good thing with pumps as least you can turn them down as well as up, so when this happens you can limited the amount of time it takes to sort it out..

Hope Lola is getting over her cold...
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