Peaks and Troughs

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Possibly a silly question, but do your levels ever even out? I'm getting into the normal range most days now, but my chart I'm keeping still looks like a roller coaster, my readings are all over the shop.
In general, yes things do get easier / more level, as you learn how foods / activities etc affect you. Other T2s can give you more personal direct experience. But don't be too hard on yourself - remember that blood glucose levels in people without diabetes vary quite widely, but they don't check, so don't know - and it wouldn't help them to check, by the way, as their functioning pancreases even things out within a few hours.
hi Ali it took me a very long time to get my levels sorted to a place where i was happy , at the beginning of diagnosis it was such hard work and often i would get really frustrated with myself , i was eating the right things and exercising yet the levels where peaking as high at 15 for many a week, eventually after a few long cryes and alot of jollying myself up i did get to where im happy which for me is single figures i dont concern myself with getting the 5s and 7s and thats my choice we are all diffirent , i think eventually things do start to become more balanced out its weather you got the willpower and the strenght to get yourself through the peaks and troughs x
Things do even themselves out, although we all get peaks and troughs depending on how active we are and what we are eating. DOn't be too hard on yourself as what is normal for one person isn't normal for someone else.
Thanks all. I was just a bit concerned because the chart looks like an alpine range. Woke at 5.3 this morning and felt not bad at all.
Thanks all. I was just a bit concerned because the chart looks like an alpine range. Woke at 5.3 this morning and felt not bad at all.

Dear Alison,

Waking at 5.3 sounds excellent. How high were the "Alpine" peaks? Today I woke at 5mmol/L and have not been above 6.5mmol/L so far

Regards Dodger
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They vary, my highest score yesterday was 12.6 with a low of 4.7. I'm getting very low at night.
They vary, my highest score yesterday was 12.6 with a low of 4.7. I'm getting very low at night.

Dear AlisonM,

I see what you mean. I assume you are taking diabetes meds - you could lower the peaks by controlling your carbohydrate intake.

Warmest Regards Dodger
Dear AlisonM,

I see what you mean. I assume you are taking diabetes meds - you could lower the peaks by controlling your carbohydrate intake.

Warmest Regards Dodger
I'm taking Metformin and Gliclazide and am following a fairly strict low carb, low fat, low sugar, low salt diet. If I cut out any more carbs, I'll be having none at all, which I'm told is not a good idea. I bulk up my meals with loads of fresh veg. I've noticed my levels seem to shoot up whenever I exercise, which I do everyday. I do have a mild chest infection, could that be what's doing it?
I'm taking Metformin and Gliclazide and am following a fairly strict low carb, low fat, low sugar, low salt diet. If I cut out any more carbs, I'll be having none at all, which I'm told is not a good idea. I bulk up my meals with loads of fresh veg. I've noticed my levels seem to shoot up whenever I exercise, which I do everyday. I do have a mild chest infection, could that be what's doing it?

Do you test before the exercise Alison, and what sort of exercise is it? If your levels are quite high to start with then exercise will actually push them higher (rather unhelpfully!). It's difficult to say what level is OK to exercise on, but I normally like to be below 10 mmol/l at the start. Things may be different for Type 2, I'm not sure. Infections will also tend to push levels up too (although, you guessed it, they can fall in some people!🙄)
Do you test before the exercise Alison, and what sort of exercise is it? If your levels are quite high to start with then exercise will actually push them higher (rather unhelpfully!). It's difficult to say what level is OK to exercise on, but I normally like to be below 10 mmol/l at the start. Things may be different for Type 2, I'm not sure. Infections will also tend to push levels up too (although, you guessed it, they can fall in some people!🙄)

No, I haven't been doing that, I normally test first thing in the am, last thing at night and, before and two hours after at least one meal a day*. I go out for a walk with the dog most days, for at least an hour. I'd like to go swimming as well, something I love and am very good at, but the docs won't let me till they've decided whether or not I get a flu jab (cos of the egg allergy).

* I used to test before and after every meal, but I noticed that my highest peaks seem to come in the middle of the afternoon, while the lowest ones are generally at night. Now I normally test at the mid day meal, even though, when I have carbs it's usually with my evening meal. I'm just weird huh?
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