PCT Pump funding...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a quickie,

I am looking to move in the coming months (providing I can sell my flat- but thats another thread!) and was just wondering, as I intend to move out of borough if that effects my PCT funding?

Its just one of the things that has popped into my mind when I went out running yesterday, that and my nerves about finding a new (and understanding??) GP and pharmacy.....sigh.

Any ideas guys? x

(Thanks in adv. 🙂)
It should be possible because we have 2 children at our clinic who transferred from other places - I know this because they are the only other 2 on medtronic pumps.🙂Bev
I find that my university doctor is bloody good. Perhaps if there is a uni close to where you move to you could attatch yourself to that surgery?
Thanks all, not moving too far at all Shiv! not sure yet as it may take some time to sell my property so will see what is about. I will still be attending the same London Hospital so Im kind of hoping no-one will notice......😉

as I understand it, if you already have funding for a pump and move into a area covered by a different PCT, then the new PCT also has to provide the funding.
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