
Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have PCOS. Have had it for years and I thought that once my periods had gone that would be the end of it. But no its come back to bite my backside. I now have the ebarssing side effect of facial hair, yes i have to shave like a man every two to three days. I wondered if there were any fellow suffers who are brave to admit to it. I did see my GP at one point but he just said its something some woman suffer from and you will have to put up with it. Just wondered if any fellow facial hair suffers would be willing to share how they cope and how they deal with. Dont get me wrong I Im gratfull I dont have the side effect of PCOS of heavy periods I I just dont want to get a job as the bearded lady in the circus
@gail2 I'm really sorry to hear that you've been dismissed by your GP like that. I hope you could find a healthcare professional who can support you.