paying form my tubular bandage


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been told I must now pay for my retention bandage. I have type 2 diabetes and my left leg is affected by bad skin up to my knee.
I keep it okj by using cortison cream and good amount of cream.
On sending in a repeat perscription for the bandage I have been told I must now buy it at the chemist.
My chemist says this is not right but I am having trouble talking to my doctors. They say I must now buy myself.
I am 78 and have paid in all my life. Must I now pay for this bandage?
You have my sympathy! I have poor skin in my remaining leg below the knee. Whilst the podiatrist puts on new Yellow Line weekly I have to buy it as after a few days the creaming means it does need replacing. I did get a prescription but they prescribe a different type which is really to tight for PAD! I have 47 years of NI contributions.
Hi @patchworkdolly and welcome to the forum. I'm no expert in these matters but a quick google suggests that tubular bandage is allowable as a prescription item although as @MikeyBikey (a bit of an expert in these matters) suggests it might depend on the exact bandage type.

I would go back to the GP and ask what has changed which means that you have now to buy the bandage and see if you get a satisfactory answer.
You have my sympathy! I have poor skin in my remaining leg below the knee. Whilst the podiatrist puts on new Yellow Line weekly I have to buy it as after a few days the creaming means it does need replacing. I did get a prescription but they prescribe a different type which is really to tight for PAD! I have 47 years of NI contributions.
I’m also sorry to read this too. This don’t sound right? Strangely as a T1 I’ve had prescription exemptions all my life. (OK I have to apply for a card every five years.) Even a script in my teens for “zit cream” when the DSN found out I was using surgical spirit as a clean a couple of spots up up? NI & tax payer since 1984. Though it’s my understanding it pays for the current elderly population? (I’m no expert on economy. Just know what I’ve experienced.)
The splints I need for my elbow and wrist I needed to buy, they advised Amazon. So do seem to need to pay for things you don’t need to have a prescription to access.
I have been told I must now pay for my retention bandage. I have type 2 diabetes and my left leg is affected by bad skin up to my knee.
I keep it okj by using cortison cream and good amount of cream.
On sending in a repeat perscription for the bandage I have been told I must now buy it at the chemist.
My chemist says this is not right but I am having trouble talking to my doctors. They say I must now buy myself.
I am 78 and have paid in all my life. Must I now pay for this bandage?

Can you email your GP if you’re having difficulty getting through on the phone @patchworkdolly ? Sometimes GPS also have an online question form you can fill in to get a response.

I know nothing about retention bandages, but I do know some items have been removed from the prescription list and people now have to buy them over the counter. As Mikey suggests, I wonder if it’s the specific type of bandage that’s the issue? When you say the pharmacist told you “it’s not right”, do you mean they were saying a mistake had been made, or were they simply commenting on the new policy as not being morally right or fair?
As a footnote I also buy the moisturiser as it is off list as a GP (no longer have named GP so no continuity) told me. One on the list lead to one area of fragile skin breaking down. It's worth asking as two practices ago a admin changed a repeat to a cheaper alternative when GP prescribed specific brand as filler in generic caused palpitations.
Thank you for the support. I have never joined a group on the computer, but felt so fed up and angry I enjoyed banging on the keys.
I feel more angry at the response of the receptionist that my chemist was wrong to tell me it should be on my perscription.
My chemist is my best friend that sent me to A&E instead of giving me more anti biotics and I was kept in hospital for 8 days.
Perhaps i will email the practice manager asking what this new rule is about.
I suppose it is a clamp down to save the NHS. Lets hope my£2.50 goes some way to filling the hole!!
@patchworkdolly - any number of us on this forum know what it's like when you just need to have a blooming good rant about something - and this is usually a safe place to have the rant, so we do!