Paying for needles

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi guys.
Hope everyone who remembers me is well and hello to all newbies
Recently encountered a really annoying situation I've had to pay for my needles online as my surgery has sanctioned them (no explanation given) and at one point they wanted me to last from September 2021 till March 2022 baring in mind i inject 3 x a day, despite telling them I've been ignored since 11th of March this month, what i find so frustrating you will allow me my insulin whenever i need it but needles not so good at allowing me, now I've shelled out £10 from an online chemist am i entitled to persue them to compensate me or not?
Thank you all.
Lovely to see you posting again @Steff 🙂

You should absolutely be able to get your needles on prescription!

This must be some sort of mix-up surely??
Do you use a specific type of needles (eg shielded) which are more expensive?

Have you been able to speak to anyone at your surgery?

I would think you should even have been able to get an emergency prescription sorted to tide you over for a few days.

How frustrating for you!
Dont know if your under Consultsnt DSN,if so they will write to gp surgery & sort this out asap, had this happen before with test strips.
Do you use a specific type of needles (eg shielded) which are more expensive?

Have you been able to speak to anyone at your surgery?

I would think you should even have been able to get an emergency prescription sorted to tide you over for a few days.

How frustrating for you!
Hi Mike
Thank you good to be back.
This was absolutely not an issue until i noticed in September when i needed to start leaving them a message on my account within the custom notes, I can't seem to get anyone to tell me why it's happening, going to the extreme of having to pay for my own was an absulute last resort and i resent having to do it
Dont know if your under Consultsnt DSN,if so they will write to gp surgery & sort this out asap, had this happen before with test strips.
Hiya thanks for your reply.
I spoke to my DSN after having a non related phone appointment back in December and brought this up with her she absolutely agreed i should not be having issues with supply and said she would liaise with doctor about it but obviously nothing has changed it
You need to make another appointment with your DSN if leaving messages is not resolving the situation. Pharmacists can often sort this out too if you ask them to
Hi Lucy
Thank you I am popping there tomorrow to sort another issue so I will bring it up didn't think about that so many thanks
Hi Lucy
Thank you I am popping there tomorrow to sort another issue so I will bring it up didn't think about that so many thanks
Good luck!
Do you order your needs thru the surgery online system? This helps you take control. If any online request is unreasonably refused ask to speak to the Practice Manager. I can order a box of 100 each month if I wanted BUT I use only one or two needles each day as I find sensible re-use is not a problem and saves the NHS a lot of money.
Not every GP surgery in the UK - or even in England - uses such a system Dave. We have to use the NHS App - and it can take over a week between ordering and picking it up from the pharmacy. Takes months for them to prescribe stuff a hospital consultant has asked them to prescribe. They did this with Pete's BP tablets and he got them for 2 months, then nothing - so he asked the pharmacist who said well, when they prescribe ACE inhibitors they like to do a blood test after a couple of months to make sure they haven't affected - ?your liver is it or kidneys? - so Pete then had to speak to the Drs receptionist to request a blood test, then nothing so he spoke to reception again and they said, Oh yes, your test form is here on the desk where it's been for over a week, for you to collect and get your blood test done.

Every single thing you happen to need - you have to ask for it. If you don't it doesn't get done.
I'm really naughty and I change my needles twice a week 😱 ..... talking of which today is the day and I nearly forgot and I have a sneaky feeling I did forget on Wednesday which is my other needle change day... 🙄 Used to just be once a week but I compromised because the nurse was giving me grief for not ordering more!!!
The expense to the NHS, disposal and all the plastic waste it generates really gets to me even at this level of use and I don't see any ill effect from this reusing but I accept that the advice is to use a new needle every time and you should be prescribed enough to cover that usage.
Hiya thanks for your reply.
I spoke to my DSN after having a non related phone appointment back in December and brought this up with her she absolutely agreed i should not be having issues with supply and said she would liaise with doctor about it but obviously nothing has changed it

Wonder if it slipped her mind or something. Get them to rewrite letter & also send you copy for your own records, that's what I do in case you have issues again further along line, that way dont have to bother team again.

Irrespective of what others do or dont needles are for single use only, all needle manufacturers specify that on packaging, hope you get it sorted asap.
Wonder if it slipped her mind or something. Get them to rewrite letter & also send you copy for your own records, that's what I do in case you have issues again further along line, that way dont have to bother team again.

Irrespective of what others do or dont needles are for single use only, all needle manufacturers specify that on packaging, hope you get it sorted asap.
Thank your NTW.
I've just done a six week x pert insulin course remotely and learnt a good deal even having diabetes since 09 I wasn't on insulin straight a way so that was a great tool on further educating me and the re use of needles was covered I'd never use a needle more then once but I did joke it sounds like my doctor thinks it's ok lol.
Thank your NTW.
I've just done a six week x pert insulin course remotely and learnt a good deal even having diabetes since 09 I wasn't on insulin straight a way so that was a great tool on further educating me and the re use of needles was covered I'd never use a needle more then once but I did joke it sounds like my doctor thinks it's ok lol.

Nice one mate, did course before switching to pump & really enjoyed it, never to old to learn.
I have so many 'iffy' absorption areas all over my torso, no way Pedro would I ever use a needle more than once. When I inject insulin it's because I need it, not for fun. Sorry to sound over dramatic, but there's obviously damage to my sub cutaneous tissue that nobody can see and so it would be utterly stupid to make that worse. One thing I am not noted for is being utterly stupid. Here endeth the lecture!
Well couldn't believe the reply i got, simply i don't need them now I've bought my own so what's the drama in a roundabout way wow so caring, also decided to send a script for all my other items to which i still have plenty supplies of, suffice to say I'm not going to carry on stressing about this which i have been, type of person i am.
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