Paula Deen 'hides diabetes from fans while continuing to promote high-fat food'

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How stupid to promote a ''sugar rich high fat diet''.😡 It appears her diet has caught up big style and wouldn't be surprised if her arteries are all clogged up.
Better written than many articles mentioning causes of type 2 diabetes eg photo caption: "It is unhealthy burgers like these that made Paula a household name but may have given her diabetes" and "plus-size" is a debatably charitable way of describing her size.
Last part of article reads: "Her health conscious husband Michael Groover is said to have helped to persuade Paula to change her ways, added the source. 'Paula wasn't happy about it, but she eventually modified her eating habits by cutting the large portions of high-fat, high calorie foods from her diet. She even dropped quite a bit of weight.
'Hopefully she'll come clean to her fans,' the source said. 'Paula is so popular that her honesty could help people change their lives.'"
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