Patterns (?)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I have a medtronic paradigm 722. I know there is a way to set up 2 seperate sets of basals/ratios etc, but where do I find it? I've gone through the menus and can't see the wood for the trees! :confused: I'm probably looking in the wrong place.

I want to have a look at it so I can set it up ready for when my periods start again, as pre-pregnancy I used to just alter all my rates around day 14 then back again once I came on. Be a lot easier just to switch to the other pattern!


It is on the basal menu. Go to basal and go down and you can 'set/review rates' I think it says rates. That is the patterns.

Click on that and you will see (I hope) 'standard' 'pattern A' and 'pattern B'. I'm doing this off the top of my head as Jessica is in bed with her pump.

Hope that helps.
Thanks Adrienne - it was enough to start me off! The option you mentioned wasn't there. Turns out I had to go into some sub menu to turn the patterns option on, then once that was on, it appeared on the main basal menu. So now I can have standard, pattern a, and pattern b as you said.
Ah yes you are right, you have to turn it on first. Forgot about that bit 🙂
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