Patients 'are being left in pain' as NHS starts rationing care to save billions

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Patients are being left in pain because NHS cost-cutting means care is being rationed, a report warns today.
Hip replacements, cataract surgery and weight loss treatments are being graded as ?low clinical value? in a bid to save money.
But there are ?widespread? fears the rationing of minor treatments will harm patients? quality of life and lead to more serious complications later.

The NHS is in the grip of the so0called Nicholson Challenge to find ?20billion of efficiency savings in four years to 2015.
But the powerful Public Accounts Committee warns that health trusts are simply cutting costs and postponing treatment rather than finding ways to provide care more cheaply.
It even linked the impact of financial pressures to the Mid-Staffordshire scandal in which up to 1,2000 needlessly died as a result of poor care and neglect.
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