Patient survey highlights 'fundamental unfairness' of prescription charges

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Health groups are calling on the government to abolish prescription charges for patients with long-term conditions in England, after finding that more than a third are going without medication because of the cost.

The Prescription Charges Coalition, an alliance of 20 health groups and charities, including the Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS), has sent a report to health ministers and the Department of Work and Pensions, highlighting the "fundamental unfairness" of the prescription system and calling for urgent reform.

Prescription charges for those with long-term conditions should be scrapped and the frequency and length of their prescription should be based on patients' specific needs, rather than by "rigid 28-day prescribing policies", the coalition said.
Well it is mad, I've managed to get 2 vials of insulin and 200 strips on repeat now so that's over a month (but I had to say Oh and what would you do if you dropped your sole vial of insulin on your ceramic tiled kitchen floor as you removed it from the fridge, doctor? Just sit there and die bit by bit until you can get another scrip?) and said if I happened to have a load of hypos or did a lot of driving (I don't lead a very ordered life!) one month it was just tedious keep ordering stuff. I added that I don't use any of my meds to make dosh on eBay and I didn't order em unless I needed em cos they take up too much room as it is. If I build up a stash at any time, then I just don't oreder any more till I need em again - like I do build up a stash for me holidays. You know, try and take double what I think I may need and still have a bit left at home, 'in case'.

Beyond diabetes, I don't think hypothyroid, high BP or emphysema is suddenly gonna disappear one month so what's the prob exactly? As long as you only have 12 months supply over roughly 12 months on average all told!
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