Patient Opinion website for rating NHS care endorsed

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A website which allows patients to rate the care they have received on the NHS is being formally supported by the Scottish government.

Patient Opinion works in the same way as travel review websites, but contributors review the care at hospitals, surgeries and clinics.

It hopes that by allowing patients to post opinions, services can be opened up to scrutiny and standards driven up.

Funding has now been awarded for health boards to engage with the service.

Recent comments posted on the website range from a complaint from a patient who said she waited five months instead of six weeks for an important clinic appointment, to praise for the new Victoria Hospital in Glasgow from a patient who said they received "a 5 star experience".
Or you could post a review on NHS choices. How many people bother?
NHS Choices covers England only; Patient Opinion covers Scotland.
Sounds good. I think the NHS do a good job. Its like a lot of things today "things arnt as good" 🙂
Apart from the money being spent on this, it appears to suffer from the same fault as those ' trip advisory websites' There seems to be no validation of the person making the comments. From a cursory look at the website anyone can tell their 'story' whether it's true or not, whether they are a patient or not.
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