Patient confidentiality ?to be breached by police?

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A central NHS database of the patient?s medical records will be available to police without a warrant in breach of the idea of doctor-patient confidentiality, according to the former shadow Home Secretary, David Davis MP.

Mr Davis claimed that the database, which will go live in May, had a series of ?backdoors? that would enable police and government officials to look at medical information.

The records will include details about smoking and drinking habits, mental health issues and drugs that have been prescribed.

Supporters of the system say it lead to improved care and help researchers make medical breakthroughs.

However Mr Davis told The Guardian: ?The idea that police will be able to request information from a central database without a warrant totally undermines a long-held belief in the confidentiality of the doctor-patient relationship.?
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