Patient Access or the NHS app?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I only use Patient Access to get blood test results. My meds are requested by the pharmacy on a 6 week loop. What is the difference between PA and the N HS app? Would it be worthwhile to have them both?
I use Patient Access weekly when I re-order medications and check the results of various tests. I attempted to set up the NHS app, but got distracted, probably by a call to a meal. Frankly and quite honestly, I appreciate what both apps can provide in terms of disclosure and help.
I’ve always used Patient Access for my repeat prescriptions and test results. I downloaded the NHS App because I needed to display my Covid vaccine proof for some event, and that’s what was accepted, but since we haven’t needed to do that any more, I haven’t used it.
I think it depends what your GP uses.
Mine has never used PA. Before the NHS app was available they used systmonline.
The NHS app provides me with more functions - access to test results, order prescription, when they were needed, covid vaccination certs, ... but, unlike others, I cannot book appointments through the app
I don’t know if the app is configured differently depending on each GP’s system?

We used to be able to book appointments online via SystmOnline but that has changed recently and we now have to send a message via SO or the NHS app, giving information about concerns, symptoms etc. You then get a text in reply with a link to enable you to book an appointment. Very convoluted. You can of course ring (if you have the time to wait on hold for 20 mins+), or call in, but yesterday we were in a long queue to make a follow-up appointment for my husband while the sole receptionist anxiously scanned her screen for ages to find a suitable time for each patient.

So as far as we’re concerned, both systems give the same results!
I don’t know if the app is configured differently depending on each GP’s system?
This has been discussed previously and it is configured by surgery or CCG (or whatever they are called now).
Many thanks to everyone. On balance of my life being complicated enough , I will leave the app and stick with PA.
Don't find NHS app useful so only use PA mainly to order prescriptions, funny enough only noticed today that last test results are on app, they never use to be but still don't have medical records showing.
Main benefit for me is being able to download medical records and see blood tests mmmm results as soon as reviewed plus ordering meds online and submitting updates to the dr to see if an appointment is needed and getting a reply with a link rather than 40 mins sat on the phone at 8 am.
Drives me bonkers having to do so many different things for my health these days. Repeat prescription - either ring the Coventry Prescription Order Department or order online via the NHS App. Cannot order from GP surgery. Both open for business at different times but since I usually don't remember to do it in normal office hours, as the App is open till 10pm and weekends (even though I know surgery won't even get it let alone action it until Monday and very likely won't action it till Tuesday) I usually use that. They won't send it over to the pharmacy until 4pm ish whatever day it is so if they happen to have run out of X Y or Z, another day before they get more ..... They still moan about patients re-ordering stuff they don't actually use any more which Yes does annoy me as much as the NHS but people's relatives kindly take over the re-ordering and collecting drugs for their elderly family, then when they pop their clogs the wider family members find 12 months unused stockpile of whatever.

Yet another system when I need a blood test cos the GP surgery doesn't do em. The nearest place to us is a pharmacy about half a mile away from the surgery smack on a busy corner with traffic lights but at least Morrison's is with 5 minutes walk so as long as it isn't raining not far enough to get completely drenched. Not quite so annoying when the blood test is requested by the hospital but when it's the damn GP surgery - it just rankles.

Well remember a GP telling the Diabetes User Group at Uni Warwick Medical School that sometimes when the old uns were on 'End of Life' care in nursing homes (riddled with whatever was killing them and definitely not going to recover) he'd say ne need for them to take some thing they only needed when they were active and their offspring would query his judgment because he/she had been taking that for ever - when whatever it was certainly wasn't helping them stay alive or indeed their QOL whatsoever.
I’ve always used Patient Access for my repeat prescriptions and test results. I downloaded the NHS App because I needed to display my Covid vaccine proof for some event, and that’s what was accepted, but since we haven’t needed to do that any more, I haven’t used it.

I used to use Patient Access, but swapped to the NHS app since the covid passport shenanigans. And have kept using it since.

Test results and repeat prescriptions are very handy on my phone.

Was never given access in either for requesting appointments though.
I used to use Patient Access, but swapped to the NHS app since the covid passport shenanigans. And have kept using it since.

Test results and repeat prescriptions are very handy on my phone.

Was never given access in either for requesting appointments though.
We had the ability to make appointments via Patient Access pre Covid, but it was one of those things that was removed, never to return. Now you have to phone so you can be triaged by a paramedic who works at the practice, before you can be allowed to see a doctor. (though we also have eConsult, which I’ve never had cause to try)
though we also have eConsult, which I’ve never had cause to try)

EConsult is my access-to-Dr secret weapon!

Only used it once but it was brilliant. Was able to write everything out forum-style, and then had a phone follow-up and an appointment booked without the need to compete with seemingly half the city at exactly 8am when the phone lines open!
I Use P.A for ordering meds from GP and My MFT for detailed visits to hospital/clinics/treatment/Appointments and updating any Medication I'm taking. Results from Hospital visits and new Appointments made are usually to my PC/phone within a cpl of hours.
One observation I would make is that it is only in the NHS that so many different systems would exist....the NHS app, patient aceess are but two of them. I believe that the major local hospital has another system and my pharmacist niece has access to yet another. Can you imagine somebody like Amazon tolerating such a thing?
I used to use patient access until covid stuff made it easier to do it on the nhs app. With our surgery you can the same on both. From November 1st it will be automatic for most people to have their gp record available via the nhs app so if you haven’t unlocked certain part of the app before they may suddenly appear.

Patient access displays blood test results in a way that is easier for a lay person to read imo but otherwise I don’t see any benefit now my GP surgery has made the same things available on both.
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