Pathetically grateful

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hiya all
I started pumping last week and cannot believe the difference. I am so awake I am buzzing. Pre pump my average bg was about 9.5. The last week it has been 7.8 with only one hypo. I know it is early days and I don't want to get too excited but do you think my improved mood and energy levels are pump related?
Yay! Congratulations on your great start 🙂

I noticed an early 'purple patch' followed by a bit of a wobble and a few months of tweaking to get to a good state.

Here's hoping your great start and renewed energy just keep on!
Good Stuff ! I am right into "Duel Wave" stuff with mine & works with me. (still learning after a few years) 🙂
Thanks for the kind words. I know I have a lot of work to do but I am sure it will be worth it
....great start! 🙂 however, accept the odd knock back now and then! 😉 you think you have it sussed and then you need to change your basals again! ....never easy!
....great start! 🙂 however, accept the odd knock back now and then! 😉 you think you have it sussed and then you need to change your basals again! ....never easy!

Thanks. Never bored when you have diabetes to think about
That's good news pg! Yep, I'd say improved levels are helping mood.
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