Patches for sensor. How easy are patches/covers to remove? Is there a danger of bringing off the sensor with it? Feedback please.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Patches for sensor. How easy are patches/covers to remove? Is there a danger of bringing off the sensor with it? Feedback please.


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What I have read about covering sensors. (Libre in my case) is the hole in the centre should not be obstructed. Allowing the sensor to breath & allow any trapped moisture to evaporate.
Generally, if you put a patch on you either need to cover the sensor itself with a none adhesive disc or assume that the overpatch is there for the duration of the sensor.
As mentioned, you need to free up the hole in the sensor by poking a hole in the patch as that hole is partly to allow the skin underneath to breath and moisture evaporate.

Personally I use a reusable arm strap which I can take off or put on at any time and provides great protection. t looks like a plastic watch face which fits perfectly around the circumference of the sensor with an adjustable elastic strap, so there is nothing to obstruct the sensor breath hole and more environmentally friendly than disposable patches.
Is there a danger of bringing off the sensor with it?
If it's sticky then yes, obviously there's a risk. I think some patches are deliberately not sticky over the sensor itself for that reason. I'm pretty sure I could remove a Tegaderm without removing the sensor but I think it would take some care (and some time) to do it.
Patches for sensor. How easy are patches/covers to remove? Is there a danger of bringing off the sensor with it? Feedback please.
You’re not supposed to remove them if you use them. The whole point is to leave it on to hold the sensor down.
My kid uses patches on his G7 and they stay on for the duration of the sensor. For temporary support we’ve used vet wrap or a strap (for things like trampolining) which you can take on and off.
H @Daisydiamond and welcome to the forum,
I do not have anything to add to the comments above but I am intrigued why you would want a CGM cover that you can remove. Maybe if you could explain why you are asking we may be able to provide a solution for you.
My husband is type 2 and whilst on holiday recently he knocked his Libre off when goingg through a door. I had previously seen patches advertised on the website and thought they may prevent a repeat. Did not know much about them and certainly didn’t know about leaving a hole to let sensor ‘breathe’. So I’ve learned something ! My husbands query was about removing the patch as he would probably not want to where it all the time, although I would welcome the added protection. I believe they are also good if swimming.
Also has anyone any feed back on the ‘Not just a patch’ version advertised on here. Thanks0
My husband is type 2 and whilst on holiday recently he knocked his Libre off when goingg through a door. I had previously seen patches advertised on the website and thought they may prevent a repeat. Did not know much about them and certainly didn’t know about leaving a hole to let sensor ‘breathe’. So I’ve learned something ! My husbands query was about removing the patch as he would probably not want to where it all the time, although I would welcome the added protection. I believe they are also good if swimming.
Has your husband considered the inner arm? Opposite side but not placed in muscle. Or he could try something like this, which can be removed without potentially ripping off the sensor? Any colour you want.

My first sensor fell off and I do a bit of swimming so I bought the circular plasters. They were a bit tricky to apply as they have bits to peel off on both sides; I couldn't do it myself and get a good fit.

They did the job but when I replaced the sensor I had a nasty red circular rash. I'm happy to post what I have if anybody wants to try them as I bought a pack of 100; I think I used about 5 as I was trying to stick them on myself and wasted a few.

They won't pull the sensor off as the part that covers it isn't sticky.
Also has anyone any feed back on the ‘Not just a patch’ version advertised on here. Thanks0
I am using not just a patch.

You can leave the central part with the cover on so not adhesive and just remove the outer bits if you want to. I just use the whole things and when I remove my sensor at the end of its time (for mine it is just one week) I find it is easy to peel off the transmitter that I wear with it. These still cru, at the edges and I have not tried to remove one with the sensor still in. Ijust end up with a tegaderm over the top of it. I am not planning to buy these again when I have used them up. They are no better than the adhesives bits that come with my sensor.

When I was using a Libre sensor I found door frames were an issue, so used to add a tegaderm (with a hole cut in the centre over the Libre, especially if I went swimming. With none of the tapes wouod I try removing it off a sensor that is still active.
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