Participants with Type 2 diabetes needed for a study on their perceptions of social support

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, I am a MSc Health Psychology student doing my dissertation on the lived experience of People Living with Type 2 Diabetes and their Perception of Social Support.

I have received ethical approval to go ahead with my project and would be ever so grateful to those who are eligible and willing to participate, to take part in my study.
- This has also been approved by @Josh DUK

Eligibility criteria include:
- have type 2 diabetes​
- aged 18+​
- speak English​
- Have no acute or complex treatments/co-morbidities​
- Receive social support and who are managing their type 2 diabetes in the community​

This study will be in the form of an interview and will last around and hour.

If you are interested in participating in my study and would like more information, please contact me using my email

Additionally, if you know someone who meets the criteria and are willing to participate, I would appreciate it if you could share this with them.

Kind regards,
Can you please define (for those of us who have no idea what you are talking about) "social support".

Can you please define (for those of us who have no idea what you are talking about) "social support".

Hi, yes of course!

So, to begin with, I would be asking questions about what you think social support is, what it means to you and who provides you with the most social support. But the main focus will be on the different types of social support and how much you think you receive of each one. For example, there are 4 types of social support.

These include informational support (giving advice and information) appraisal support (helping an individual understand and cope with stressful events), emotional support (feelings of warmth, showing commitment and reassuring the individual that they are valued and cared for, including appreciation for the individual’s behaviour) and tangible assistance (practical services such as goods, and financial assistance).

I hope this clarifies this for you! But please let me know if you have any more questions.

Many thanks
Hi, yes of course!

So, to begin with, I would be asking questions about what you think social support is, what it means to you and who provides you with the most social support. But the main focus will be on the different types of social support and how much you think you receive of each one. For example, there are 4 types of social support.

These include informational support (giving advice and information) appraisal support (helping an individual understand and cope with stressful events), emotional support (feelings of warmth, showing commitment and reassuring the individual that they are valued and cared for, including appreciation for the individual’s behaviour) and tangible assistance (practical services such as goods, and financial assistance).

I hope this clarifies this for you! But please let me know if you have any more questions.

Many thanks
It has kind of intrigued me more than answered but have emailed you directly....
Hi, I am a MSc Health Psychology student doing my dissertation on the lived experience of People Living with Type 2 Diabetes and their Perception of Social Support.

I have received ethical approval to go ahead with my project and would be ever so grateful to those who are eligible and willing to participate, to take part in my study.
- This has also been approved by @Josh DUK

Eligibility criteria include:
- have type 2 diabetes​
- aged 18+​
- speak English​
- Have no acute or complex treatments/co-morbidities​
- Receive social support and who are managing their type 2 diabetes in the community​

This study will be in the form of an interview and will last around and hour.

If you are interested in participating in my study and would like more information, please contact me using my email

Additionally, if you know someone who meets the criteria and are willing to participate, I would appreciate it if you could share this with them.

Kind regards,
In your scenario, who is delivering the social support? Would that be HCPs, family members, local support groups, online communities?
I can’t say whether I qualify to take part as I still don’t know what support you mean. are you talking about family and friend?
You need to define what you mean by 'Social Support' otherwise people don't know to what or whom you are referring.
Not everybody is familiar with the terminology used by Social Scientists and Phycologists.
"... managing their type 2 diabetes in the community ..."
Does this mean "at home"?
Eligibility criteria include:
- have type 2 diabetes- aged 18+- speak English- Have no acute or complex treatments/co-morbidities- Receive social support and who are managing their type 2 diabetes in the community
I’ve no idea if I’m eligible. What are acute or complex treatments and co morbidities. How would I know if I receive social support or manage my diabetes in the community?

You need to translate your eligibility criteria into plain English
In your scenario, who is delivering the social support? Would that be HCPs, family members, local support groups, online communities?
Hi, Sorry for my late response, I've been swamped with uni deadlines! Questions will involve talking about receiving social support from friends, family, peers and healthcare professionals, so to answer your questions anyone you believe gives you social support or those who dont give you enough perhaps. The main focus will be on the types of social support you receive.
I can’t say whether I qualify to take part as I still don’t know what support you mean. are you talking about family and friend?
Hi, Sorry for my late response, I've been swamped with uni deadlines! Questions will involve talking about receiving social support from friends, family, peers and healthcare professionals, so to answer your questions anyone you believe gives you social support or those who dont give you enough or any perhaps. The main focus will be on the types of social support you receive.
You need to define what you mean by 'Social Support' otherwise people don't know to what or whom you are referring.
Not everybody is familiar with the terminology used by Social Scientists and Phycologists.
Hi! Well this is one of the thing we would like to find out, what you think social support is and what it means to you. From there we would discuss with you the 4 types of social support we would like to focus on in the interview to find out which one you receive more of for example or which one(s) you dont receive enough of. In addition, we would like to find out what you think could be changed in the way you receive social support to better help you manage and cope with type 2 diabetes. - This interview is very much based on individuals experience and we are just trying to get a better understanding of social support as a whole, as it means something different to everyone, it is had for me to 'define'.

These 4 types of social support we will be focusing on is:
- informational support (giving advice and information)
- appraisal support (helping an individual understand and cope with stressful events),
- emotional support (feelings of warmth, showing commitment and reassuring the individual that they are valued and cared for, including appreciation for the individual’s behaviour)
- tangible assistance (practical services such as goods, and financial assistance).
Having spent a pleasant 45 minutes chatting to Cameron on Easter Monday morning i"d heartily suggest getting in touch with him.
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