Participants needed - Post Traumatic Growth in individuals with chronic illness (including Diabetes)

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hello, My Name is Rachel Berryman I am a third-year Psychology student at Hull University. For my BSc Psychology dissertation project, I am studying Post Traumatic Growth in individuals with chronic illness. Post Traumatic Growth can be described as positive personal development following a battle or highly challenging life crises. This study is seeking to understanding more about post-traumatic growth in those with chronic illness. I am seeking participants with Diabetes along with other chronic illnesses.

If you or anyone you know over the age of 18 suffers from any of the following illnesses, you are eligible to take part by clicking the following link




Cardiac Disease,

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME,

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD),


Addison’s Disease.

I would really appreciate your help in reaching 50 participants per illness category. If you can help or share my survey link I’d be very grateful.

I have provided ethical approval to

Thank you for your time

Rachel Berryman
This has been approved.

Best wishes for your research Rachel.
Just wondering why "cardiac disease" and not "cardiovascular disease"?
Done, although I really struggled with the Social Economic Status question. I consider myself reasonably well educated but I had no idea which option to select. I went for "intermediate" purely because it seemed middle of the road. Maybe I am more stupid than I think!
I also would have liked an opportunity to indicate that there are many positives that have come from my diagnosis. Answering the questions felt like it focused my thoughts more on the negative aspects of my condition.
I have several chronic conditions, but only diabetes on your list. For what it's worth, the answers would be almost identical. The conditions are just what they are, you play the cards you are dealt.
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