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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I got my pump.

It's the accu-chek combo. I asked why not the insight and he said he had had a lot of people complaining about the insight and wanting to go back on the combo. Not sure how true this actually is, but I'm not too fussed. Mainly I just wanted a pump, and I'm glad it's the accu-chek brand because I'm used to them.

Well, even though I didn't do my morning insulin, he set my Basal to a 50% temporary basal rate. I don't think it was enough, as now I'm going high. But I've done a correction. To be fair, we didn't get connected to our pumps until 4, so I think part of the high was a lack of background insulin from the morning.
Hi Amber from reading different forums, there are a lot of negative reports regarding the insight. So worry not.
A couple of pushes of buttons & back on track ! Pleased you got it 🙂
I'm glad you've got your pump and are happy with it. I'm surprised about the comment she made about the Insight though. The Combo was my first pump and while I had it I thought it was great. But when I changed to the Insight it was fantastic. The technology is so much more up to date, no cartridges to fill so no bubbles, it takes seconds to put a new cartridge in wherever you happen to be. I could go on about how great it is but I won't bore everyone.

It's good you've got a pump anyway because whatever type, it's much better than MDI and your control should be really good with it. 🙂🙂
I love my Combo - but have LOATHED filling syringes since 1972. But had it not been for the cartridges - perhaps I would have gone for another Combo - cos it really is bomb proof !
It's probably a funding thing. Well, four years I get a new one anyway.

I'm just so happy.
Could be funding but it's just great you now have your pump. 🙂
Pleased you got your pump but now I'm confused about the insight. I was going to ask for one of those. Let us know how you get on with your combo. Exciting times.
We LOVE the Combo and would quite happily have another one! The handset is starting to look a bit dated compared to some things I've seen, but it does the job which is the important thing.

We've got just over a year to go until we're up for renewal - so I guess we'll have to see what they offer us then!

Good luck with yours Amberzak - hope it goes well 🙂
So glad you've got your pump, Amberzak! 🙂
Great news, really pleased you've started pumping 🙂

The only annoyances I've heard about the Insight are about the multitude of button presses/slow speed of the handset. But yeah, maybe it's a funding thing really. Anyway, I agree - it's just brill to be on a pump, whichever one!
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