parliament debate on T1 diabetes & young people

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As some of you may already know there was a debate today in parliament on type one diabetes and its impact on young people. It can be viewed through this link
The debate is from the very beginning of the recording here and lasts for 90 minutes. It is a private members debate and took place in the Westminster Hall room rather than the main Commons debating chamber.

I will not give you my own opinion of what was said in this initial post so that you have the chance to view it for yourself and form your own opinion without it being influenced by mine. Plus I also think I need to re-watch the second half as my viewing was somewhat distracted by the footie starting on the box! 😎 I would say however that whether you agree with what is said or not it does seems to be a worthwhile viewing as it covers a number of topics that have been covered here on recent threads inn the general messageboard, posts by parents and our younger members and also in the pumping section.

There are also occasional glimpses of the public audience if anyone attended!

As the title suggests it is primarily about T1 diabetes but there was a debate on T2 diabetes last week, the details of which can be found here

For those of you who prefer to read what was said here is the link to the Hansard write up of the T1 debate
About half way through the document moves onto a second page, just click the Next Section link in the bottom left hand corner to bring this up.
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"and the condition reduces life expectancy by about 20 years"

"and the condition reduces life expectancy by about 20 years"



Don't have time to watch it just now but will do tomorrow. I can see me doing some yelling.
Thanks Rossoneri...i think i may watch tomorrow...or may prefer to read up on it as 90 mins is a long time when you are a busy lady like me 😉 😛 .. or more the point the computer is in high demand 🙄

Bernie xx 🙂
Well I was going to watch it all now but Ive just heard mock the week is on somewhere and also Clueless and also the pragramme about Bubbles the monkey, so I'm going to watch the rest later :D

So far my thoughts on it are... wow this guy is depressing and making Diabetes sound really scary.

Also he pretty much said that a rock star isn't a serious musician, not happy 😉
caught a bit of the bubbles programme apparently according to Janet, Michael didn't believe the experts when they said he couldn't make bubbles speak, he had the money and wanted to understand what he re really wanted to say.:confused:
Oops I always thought he had a monkey, but that was most definitely a chimp! There is the signing chimp, so maybe he thought he'd teach bubble ASL 😉
Oops I always thought he had a monkey, but that was most definitely a chimp! There is the signing chimp, so maybe he thought he'd teach bubble ASL 😉


How about that for thread drift! 😉
OMG he is so cute!! The chimp is alright too.

I was going to say something on topic, but it's slipped my mind haha.
Just a quick note to say that for those who have not spotted it the link to the Hansard doc has been added in an edit to the original post.

"and the condition reduces life expectancy by about 20 years"

Yes I did think that this was a bit unnecessary and I question its accuracy. In fact a quick google provided this statement from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), which the speaker quoted as a source for some of his other facts. The link shows he exaggerated to figure although 15 years is still bad enough but this does emphasise that each diabetic has an unique experience of living with the condition.

One thing to remember though is that the context of the debate is that the guy who has raised it wants to increase or at least preserve the current funding for diabetes care and research. It is therefore in his interest to make the condition appear as "frightening" or potentially damaging as possible in order to justify his proposal. Still it is important to ensure that any facts quoted are accurate.

To get back on topic: Michael Jackson, now there is a lifestyle that can be expected to knock 20 years of your life expectancy :(😎
Yes I did think that this was a bit unnecessary and I question its accuracy. In fact a quick google provided this statement from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), which the speaker quoted as a source for some of his other facts. The link shows he exaggerated to figure although 15 years is still bad enough but this does emphasise that each diabetic has an unique experience of living with the condition.

Oh, how very depressing. I had no idea it reduced life expectancy by this much. This combined with having a really crap 48 hours makes me want to tear out my stupid pancreas and stamp on it!
I havnt seen this debate yet or any articles but the life expectancy must be rubbish.........we can all live long lives........we mught be drugged up and in a wheel chair but long none the less.........

You could actualy tear it out and stamp on it as its knackered, stick with it.........:D
What is that researched based on? surely it depends on how long you've had Diabetes, how well you've controlled it, other lifestyle choices and the different advances in medicine since you were diagnosed.
I just finished watching the debate.

Not at all impressed with the Government Minister's response. However, I don't think he was helped by having very little time to answer the questons put to him. They should have scheduled much longer.

He refused to answer the question about financial support for families and carers.

He blamed the "legacy" from the previous government far too much, instead of focusing on what they are going to do about it.

My biggest concern about his response, and the white paper, is the GP commissioning. My GP is wonderful at his job, and is great for everyday things such as infections. However, he knows next to nothing about diabetes, in particular type 1. When I told him I'd got an insulin pump he asked me if I still took an injection of Lantus every day 😱

Also, the GP I had at the time of diagnosis failed to diagnose. He asked for a urine sample, looked at it in the light, said, "It's fine," and threw it in the bin. After diagnosis, my mum took him to court (he only got a warning, but still).

So my experience of GPs does not fill me with joy at the prospect of GP commissioning. In fact, if it were to go ahead I can see myself lobbying like mad. However, I live in Scotland and have a devolved SNP government who are fabulous, so hopefully it won't ever happen here!
OMG Emma that is just terrible re your Doctor 😱 Good for you mum though..i hope he was struck off?

Now i maybe a cynic about a cure for diabetes but my hubby and had to chuckle about that life expectancy quote as he said "where do they get that from"...and then went on to say "what 20 years shorter than getting knocked down by a ten tonne truck"...we did chuckle - crazy i know but anything can happen at anytime and may not be diabetes related.

How does anyone know how long we would have lived for....crazy statement i have to say.

Bernie xx 🙂
OMG Emma that is just terrible re your Doctor 😱 Good for you mum though..i hope he was struck off?

Nope. Just a formal warning - a slap on the wrist and a mark on his reputation. The guy was still at the same practice when he retired a few years ago.

I must add that this was 17 years ago. I suspect the outcome may have been slightly different now.

On the subject of dodgy GPs... I once went to a different GP at the same surgery while having mental health problems. I was suicidal and scared, and he told me I was being selfish. And the best bit? This guy works with patients with severe mental health problems 😱
O my goodness Emma 😱

Unfortunately I have similar experience with GP's - Katie was poorly for 18 months with GP saying it was her age until her Optitian diagnosed her :(

GP's cant be experts on everything but they should know when to ask an someone who IS expert.

Havent seen the debate yet - will look tonight
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