paramedic swears at diabetic

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OMG.......Disgraceful or ******G.....Outrageous.....I've just read the link...😡
HHmmmmmm....the paramedic left voluntarily......😡....I truly am at a loss for words 😡

OMG.......Disgraceful or ******G.....Outrageous.....I've just read the link...😡
HHmmmmmm....the paramedic left voluntarily......😡....I truly am at a loss for words


Indeed. One commenter says that he's only human and we're all allowed 'off' days - but his off day could have resulted in a person's death, purely because of his failure to recognise the signs and perform a simple test. There's no excuse - the bus driver knew more about diabetes than the paramedic!😱
Ive actually dealt with Liverpool Paramedics first hand on several occasions and can only praise them for the care they have given me . 🙂 One bad apple can taint the whole bunch unfortunately . I should think so that hes resigned !! what a bloody idiot ! 😡
Shocking stuff!
I sencond insulinaddict09's comments, we NHS lot aren't all bad... I hope she has made a full recovery.

Mo 🙂
Indeed. One commenter says that he's only human and we're all allowed 'off' days - but his off day could have resulted in a person's death, purely because of his failure to recognise the signs and perform a simple test. There's no excuse - the bus driver knew more about diabetes than the paramedic!😱

If the paramedic was as is alleged having a bad day.....maybe he should'nt have enrolled himself in the caring profession..Sorry I feel very strongly on this I'm sure we all do..
As you say Northerner it is no excuse, in anyway, shape or form.

Shocking stuff!
I sencond insulinaddict09's comments, we NHS lot aren't all bad... I hope she has made a full recovery.

Mo 🙂

I got excellent care from the paramedics who took me to hospital. I know it's rare for this kind of thing to happen. He did do the right thing and resigned, and is probably a lesson to all those others who are having a 'bad day' just to count to ten and stay calm. I've no doubt that they get a lot of totally unwarranted abuse in their working lives, and would condemn even more strongly those that would treat people so.

I used to live in Sheffield and used to chat to one of the conductors on the Supertram. He told me that one night a young guy had staggered out of the pub and gone under the tram. The conductor tried to give first aid (he was ex-army medic), but was set upon by the guy's mates and ended up in hospital himself - they blamed him because of his association with the tram. The young guy died - thanks to his 'friends'...OK, not a paramedic, but an illustration of how senseless the public can be. The paramedics have to rise above that sort of behaviour, and it must be very tough at times.
I hope he gets banned 🙄

Shocking stuff!
I sencond insulinaddict09's comments, we NHS lot aren't all bad... I hope she has made a full recovery.

Mo 🙂

I totally agree, I appreciate the NHS so much and I love all the great people who work for them :D
That is really unaceptable, putting aside all the medical stuff. He is a part of the nhs and they have signs up saying people are not allowed to swear or be abusive so why can staff do that infrom of members of the public.

He does need to be struck off for not performing a simple check... bad day or not!

I hope he doesn't get struck off (if this was a one off thing). What happened was unacceptable, but I would want them to look at the full circumstances which led this guy to breaking point.
Indeed. One commenter says that he's only human and we're all allowed 'off' days - but his off day could have resulted in a person's death, purely because of his failure to recognise the signs and perform a simple test. There's no excuse - the bus driver knew more about diabetes than the paramedic!😱

I've had a few medical emergencies on buses I have driven or being a passenger on over the last 20 years. I've got nothing except praise for the ambulance service.

One afternoon (on my last trip) and elderly man collapsed just after getting on. His wife was distraught so I got somebody else to comfort her and a young lad to call on the radio for assistance using the code word we have. I got the man on his side in the recovery position and used my coat for a pillow till the ambulance arrived. I made sure his airway was clear and he had a pulse.

The ambulance crew came and checked him and took him away in a hurry and said thanks. The mans wife wrote in and said I probably saved his life.
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