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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had a message left on my answer phone at 1730today saying that the eye consultant wants to see me at 900 this Friday ie day after tomorrow. it's really worrying me that he wants to see me at such short notice, especially as I'm not meant to be seeing him until the operation on December 15th, although I am trying to be rational about..........thought day had bee n bad enough when physio told me that I will probably need my right hip replaced before I'm 47 !!!!!
AJ, don't panic! It may be that the surgeon is able to bring the operation forward or something, or needs to make some further investigations to help with the op. He's probably got a very tight schedule and maybe this was his best opportunity to see you. Well, of course this is entirely speculation on my part, but just trying to say don't assume the worst 🙂

Very sorry to hear about your hip too, it doesn't seem fair to load this worry on you as well at this time. Try to stay positive, I'll be keeping fingers crossed for you! 🙂
Hi AJ, not surprised you are panicking, we always assume the worst don't we? I don't think we are used to getting messages in this way from the medical establishment but they do seem to have caught on to technology lately and learnt how to phone people and even text! I sincerely hope that it's all ok and just means they had a slot they could use to see you and speed things up for you. I send you my very best wishes and will be thinking of you.xx
It's hard not to worry - though apparently a very high % of things we worry about never happen.

I hope that its just that they have found a way to bring forward your operation.
Can't add to what others have said, but agree it is probably somethine quite routine or even good news.

I hope it goes well for you.
Thank you everyone for your support, it really did help me whilst I was worrying. I feel silly now for panicking about the appointment. The consultant went through everything with me - but has now mentioned that I may need two lots of operations on each eye.....but I'm taking one step at a time. The good thing is that he is also going to arrange for a scan of my retina to see if, when I'm being operated on, anything can be done about the macula odema. I feeling a lot more positive and trying to focus on work, Christmas and seeing friends, keeping fingers crossed that there are no more hospital appointments until the first operation on December 15th.
glad you are feeling a bit better about it all x
Good to hear that the appointment went well AJ - it will be great if they are able to do something about the macular odema as well 🙂 Fingers crossed that life is uneventful until the 15th, except in a nice way of course! 🙂
Glad it wasn't too bad AJ, don't feel silly though, it's natural to panic (well I do plenty of it!) Hope life goes a little calmer for you for a bit and there are good things to report after the 15th.xx
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