Panic Room

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Did anyone see Panic room the other night with Jodie Foster? Basically she and her daughter had gone into the panic room of their house as there were some men trying to rob their house. Anyway the question is:

The girl had diabetes and had a watch type meter on so she was at 7, then was dropping so she was going hypo. the mum told her to lie down but she had a body spasm then was just looking poorly, when the men got into the room they had her pack with an injection syringe in it, he asked her if she needed it and she said yes, he asked what would happen if she didnt get it and she said coma.

Is this real? not a funny question i just wondered how true to life her portrail was.

Julie xx
Hi Julie,

Yes I have seen Panic Room....a while ago now though...before Nathan was diagnosed.

Looking back on the situation in the film..with the wonderful thing we call hindsight...Yes it is very true.

I have had first hand experience with Nathan...dropping that low, that he started to pin wheel..(convulsions)..and in and out of conciousness...the ambulance was called one time as I could not get near him by myself to inject him with his Glucogen

Thanks Heidi,
Thought the girl was great but wondered if she did the condition justice, i think she did.

I would be a total wreck if i had to deal with that.

Great film!

Julie x
Yeah I've seen it , its quite a good portrayal , could be better though. But basically thats what happens /could happen. :(
I didnt know that could really happen to people, thought it was stupid hollywood getting things wrong again.
Our kitchen door got jammed shut the other week, i was well worried i wouldnt be able to get my insulin when i needed it, luckly we got it open again, still scared me though.
I do like the film, bit scary for me , i dont like the idea of people in my house.
Glad you raised it proudspirit 🙂
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