Pancreatitis test tomorrow

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I know this sounds silly but I have my pancreatitis test tomorrow and without thinking too much about it, think I must be stressing. I have been awake since 2am and was then just tossing and turning and couldn't get back to sleep. I haven't felt too good either with hypo's etc all week, so sorry if not posted too much.

Its all so silly, as GP is probabaly barking up totally wrong tree!

Sorry for coming on and being negative.
I know this sounds silly but I have my pancreatitis test tomorrow and without thinking too much about it, think I must be stressing. I have been awake since 2am and was then just tossing and turning and couldn't get back to sleep. I haven't felt too good either with hypo's etc all week, so sorry if not posted too much.

Its all so silly, as GP is probabaly barking up totally wrong tree!

Sorry for coming on and being negative.
Hello Lucy wots the test fer pancreastitus?? I hope ur stress levels return to normal and that the hypos subside..... it could be our ever changeable weather were getting but im no expert lol
Anyways hopes all well fer the test tomoz and hope you feel better sooner than later
tc duane 🙂
Its not silly to be worried and stress and worry can do strange things to your subconscious - thats probably why you woke early and couldnt relax. I am sure you will feel much better once they can get to the bottom of things and put you on the right road. Let us know how it goes and good luck.🙂Bev
Hello Lucy wots the test fer pancreastitus??

Hi Duane - its just a blood test, but I have been told it will only show anything up if i am having an attack at the time, so not even sure it is right to have it. Also GP thought it might be the cause of hypo's but can't find anything on the net relating the 2.

Thanks Bev too.

I just want to get to the bottom of why I am hypo'ing first as I am starting to get really fed up with comments like 'you can't be hypo'ing' from people as I am not on any meds! I jsut wish one of these people could have just one episode!

Also I was told by GP to make sure people at work knew what to do, but when I discussed how to tell them with my MD, he just said 'oh leave it a few days and I am sure it will pass!' This was after he saw me have quite a bad hypo and sat back whilst everyone else helped me and said I was going to give you 5 mins and then help you if you hadn't improved.

Can I ask, although diabetes doesn't affect me being able to work, I have felt like coping with work stress and the diabetes this week has been exhausting and I have ended up quite tearful. Has anyone else experienced this?
I know this sounds silly but I have my pancreatitis test tomorrow and without thinking too much about it, think I must be stressing. I have been awake since 2am and was then just tossing and turning and couldn't get back to sleep. I haven't felt too good either with hypo's etc all week, so sorry if not posted too much.

Its all so silly, as GP is probabaly barking up totally wrong tree!

Sorry for coming on and being negative.

Lucy my dear, please don't apologise - it is bound to be stressful not knowing what the outcome may be. Whatever happens, you have shown yourself to be a very strong and resourceful person and I am sure that you will be feeling much better once the test is over and done with. I will be thinking about you, and hoping for a good outcome. 🙂 Deep breaths, I hope you can get a good night's sleep tonight.
Good luck for test 2morro Lucy, am sure all will go well. Hope you get a good nights rest too, 🙂

take care, Shirl
Thanks all,

Sorry I am not feeling too strong at moment. x
good luck lucy xx be thinking of you 🙂
Big (((hugs))), wishing you luck for tomorrow xxx
I'm sorry that I didn't see this thread until just now.

All the best Lucy, I hope it goes well for you.

good luck lucy lets us know how you get on
Thanks all for your support - managed to get a little more sleep last night.
Was talking to my husband before I went to bed about lack of sleep previous night and he advised me that I was shaking/shivering and mumbling away whilst i was asleep the night before and now we are wondering if I was hypo'ing. I did feel exhausted yesterday but thought this was lack of sleep??? How would I know if I was?

Also had my test this morning.The vampire was absolutely lovely and even asked me if I had been stressing about results. Had chance to chat about whether results would show if no pain at moment and he did say it was possible it would come back clear and make sure I definitely get tested when I get the pain again - which I will do.

He also told me he thought someone would contact me in next 48 hrs if results not good -so not long now til I know.

He also tested my hba1c again - which surprised me as I am booked in for November for next one - wonder what that will be?
Hope it all goes okay for you lucy 🙂 xx
Hello Lucy hope all is well, wot happens when u hypo?? I recently had a chest infection and head cold, and 1 nite i woke up 01.50am in bed violently shaking which scared me cos i hadnt a clue wot was going on?? Was it diabetes related or just a fever from head cold and chest infection??..... weird huh?? i still get up in the middle of the nite weeing fer good old blighty lol

hope you get the all clear from ur tests

cheers Duane🙂
Hi Duane,

I am not sure if mine are proper hypo's but this is what happens when I get them.
I suddenly feel myself coming over quite nauseous/dizzy and very quickly go from that to what I can only call foggy brained - I know what I want to say or do but just can;t do it. I do shiver lots and have noticed my hands are always freezing afterwards. I am trying to spot the signs early to try and eat as soon as, but they seem to be happening very quickly. Not sure if this helps. I will post another thread re a strange experience yesterday.
You don't have to be diabetic to suffer a hypo! As a hypo is the blood glucose levels dropping below 4mmol/l !

For non diabetics is poses no real dangers as their bodies are able to adjust switching of insulin production allowing the blood glucose to return to normal, just a slight unplesent exprience with some of the symptoms of hypo on odd occasions they might faint...

But with a diabetic who either taking insulin or medication that increases production of insulin, the body can't adjust itself and the insulin needs to burn itself out, which means unless action taken of having fast acting carbs to give the excess insulin some to feed on, the blood glucose will become very dangerously low..


By what you are saying on your other thread as well, some of your problems is the insulin delivery is out of time, so not enough to start with, then causing an overload of insulin, lowing the blood glucose by too much, and you then have to have carbs to feed this excess insulin!
It does seem that way Ellie - but how do you get your body to act in time.
I saw my GP yesterday (at my club) and we had a social chat about things. I am still waiting for my test results but for the first time I think she realised how 'wet through' i was after all the hard exercise I am doing. She is prescibing me plenty of strips today to enable me to test away around the exercise to see if I can find a way of sorting it with various foods. She is also arranging for me to see a dietician who deals with sports people? So that may help. I am expecting to hear something today re pancreatitis test, but she did agree it may not show anything as hadn't just had an attack when tested - but at least I know now about calling her to be tested straight away when it happens again.
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